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Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

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Hello, hopefully you take the time to read my post, if not, I truly have no reason whatsoever to acknowledge whatever troll response you decide to post. That being said, let me get these few arguments out of the way

It is an alpha - You didn't pay for the game - Arma 2 engine is trusting - Battle Eye is not at fault - Don't blame BI or Rocket - QQ moar - U R JUST BAD

Alrighty then. Now to the point of my post. As you are all aware, hacking has become absolutely rampant in this mod, so much now that every single server I have played on for more than half an hour in the last several days (perhaps week) have had hackers, or more specifically, "script-kiddies" on them. This has lead to so many deaths that I have lost count. Whether it be by mass teleport to a free-for-all where the hacker always wins, an invisible douche shooting me and all my friends, my fresh spawn being teleported into the woods on a road and sniped, being killed by hacked guns, god mode players, aimbot snipers, or even just nuking the entire server which effectively destroys every person, vehicle, and tent on it, a hacker has killed me on every single one of the servers I have played on.

I know some of you may be thinking I am exaggerating, which is fine, because even if I was, the fact would remain that me and my group have only been killed by other legitimate players about 4 times in the last several days, and every other time we have died to a script kiddie. Now, I know what you are thinking, "don't get attached to your gear, its fun to start over, blah blah" but seriously now...we all know this is a bullshit argument.

The problem with the amount of hackers for ME PERSONALLY is not that I lose gear. Hell, I tend to FIND most of the high end gear off of hackers, or players that have found the gear off of hackers that I kill. Once 30 NVGs spawn in a server due to a hacker, they are circulated til restart, spread to other servers, and so on. I do not give half of my last toasty shit that I lose good gear. I do care that the current state of hacking in the game makes it unplayable.

What I mean by that is this, I enjoy playing with groups. I am not a bandit, and so other than shooting zombies in the head until I run out of ammo, I am forced to rely on creativity in order to enjoy this mod. That's fine, and under normal conditions, I would. Unfortunately, it is literally impossible to work towards ANY goal that takes more than an hour or two in this game. If we are lucky, we can find a vehicle or two, fix it up, and drive it for about 45 minutes before something ends our fun...namely a script-kiddie. Last night we drove two vehicles across a field, one jeep (I believe it is a military UAZ) and some hippie-dippie bus. Twas fun. Then, all 4 of us in the jeep were killed, they headshotted me, the driver, going 45 and swerving within 2 shots. They then continued on to kill each person within 3 seconds. I counted. The second car full of people got the same treatment. One person alt f4d out to save himself. He flanked the hacker on a different server, came back, and was literally sniped the minute he came in.

The night before, I was in NWA with a small group. We were loaded up on guns and ready to go for a car, when suddenly, BOOM...the entire server gets carpet bombed, we all died, and lost all of our things. I have been teleported to NWA or the tower in cherno so many times I stopped counting in the last several days. MY FRIENDS AND I CONSIDER THIS TO BE THE BEST OF ALL THE HACKS, BECAUSE IT IS THE ONE WHERE WE CAN POSSIBLY AVOID DEATH....we somtimes alt f4 and log back in 30 minutes later and end up with some loot. If the fact that getting hacked is seen as a partially good thing does not set off some alarms, what the hell will?

We even fought a guy who was spawning in gillies and thermal snipers for himself in Elektro. I killed him once. It was more fun than I had had in the game for a while, because it was the only real challenge I had in a long time. The only players I come across anymore are poorly armed new spawns or hackers with godmode. There is no middleground anymore. There is no way to work towards a goal and make progress. There is no fun in a game where you can only play for 3 hours tops before losing EVERYTHING and starting over AGAIN almost as if it is scheduled...hell, even if you log out with progress made, anything server dependent could very easily be erased , as all it takes is one nuke to ruin everything you had on that server.

Until the game becomes stable, I refuse to play it. It is complete bullshit that a mod that is supposed to be coming out in THIS YEAR as a stand alone game could actually be in this poor of a state. How does rocket or the dev team expect to inspire any kind of confidence in their game when it has five months, and that is being generous, to become a secure, relatively bug free game?

This is not an alpha. Alphas are not around 5 months before launch. That is a beta. This is the shittiest beta security I have ever seen. The problem is only enhanced by the hardcore nature of this game. I made this thread, because though others have been made, the problem has not even been acknowledged by the dev team or Rocket. Well, as long as I have to deal with hacking script kiddies, this forum will have to deal with me and every other pissed off player that is unsatisfied with a broken game that should be great.

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I love this game, but it is being ruined by hacks. I ran into a group of 5 players and all of them

Had L85A2 thermals and ghillies. They were driving vehicles that aren't part of dayz.

Shortly after the had working choppers.

I have been teleport killed and sent to the thunder dome.

Something needs to be done.

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completly agree, although i am lucky to have a home server to play on so i dont get killed by hackers as much, but it is pretty bad still. hope the stand-alone will be better.

Edited by GH3OSTLY

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I'm playing the mod = It's playable for me at least, I feel sorry for you OP.

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I'm playing the mod = It's playable for me at least, I feel sorry for you OP.

Please, share with me your secrets to being hack-proof? If you aren't, then please, tell me how you make server dependent items stick around for more than a day? If you don't work towards any long-term goals, then I assume you either A sit in elektro or cherno and snipe new spawns (whoo...that may just be too much fun to handle) or you are yourself, a script-kiddie.

Not meaning to offend you here. Just want a slice of the dayz pie.

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tl;dr, another QQ about hacker thread.. i still love playing this game.. only met 2 hackers so far.. and even then its kind of exciting to start over (both times died with high end loot)... was starting to be attached and not wanting to play risky.. but then i love to play risky so kind of glad it happened.....

honestly hackers will get bored of waiting a ~4 min load time to empty out a server in a couple mins.

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This must be either an issue with US servers, or more populated servers. I only play in UK servers with less than 30 people (no interest in PvP) and I've yet to encounter a hacker, at least not a blatant one.

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Some of the things you said only encourages troll replies.

For example, "Until the game becomes stable, I refuse to play it."

That's asking for replies like "no one is forcing you to play."

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That's odd, I play every day with no problem. Go die now plz.

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I feel sorry for you man, I played yesterday and no hackers were in my game. Nor have I seen a hacker for about a month. Is it really every single server though? Or most?

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If its a BI update or a fix from Rocket I don't care. Just get rid of it.

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I feel sorry for you man, I played yesterday and no hackers were in my game. Nor have I seen a hacker for about a month. Is it really every single server though? Or most?

Yes, literally every day I have played for the last 3 or 4 days, each server I have been on has had a hacker (this disregards servers I only spawned in for brief moments, I just guess about 30 minutes.)

And to be honest, I know I will get troll replies, I already have. And as for Grindstone, I have seen that thread. I read through it completely. I also find it to be a complete and total cop out of a problem. That entire post was nothing more than blaming the hacking on script kiddies and telling people to deal with it. I am saying that unless you are a bandit that only stays near the shore killing new spawns, there is no way to achieve any end-game content because of the fact that

A) My group is killed by a hacker

B) When we actually do get our hands on end-game, it is taken away via nuke or thunderdome

C) When we come back everything on the server is gone, even tents.

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i managed a couple of sentences

almost sounds like cRy

anyway, only experienced cheating twice. i love the game and think you're a fucking retard cheers for thread tho mind your ass on the way out

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The amount of users that have been playing has plummeted this week. Like nosedived. Love the mod, but it really is unplayable right now. Spend 2-3 hours finding things legit, get teleported to the beach as a dog and die in 1 sec. I don't think people dying legit would bother them because it's a failure on their part, but dying not because the mod is in alpha but because what the mod is built off of is ricepaper to scripts makes it not worth it. And the fact that there hasn't been an update at all on problems that make the game unplayable in cities with the artifact tearing because of the stupid soldier bodies 2 days after it was set to deploy just adds to the problem. Just remove the fucking dead soldier bodies if you can't fix it.

Edited by twiloz
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i managed a couple of sentences

almost sounds like cRy

anyway, only experienced cheating twice. i love the game and think you're a fucking retard cheers for thread tho mind your ass on the way out

Thanks for bumping my thread troll, I hope you have fun jacking off to that picture of Rocket you keep in your closet sanctuary =)

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Happens to me all the time,

That's odd, I play every day with no problem. Go die now plz.

Inbreds like you are the reason why the hacking problem on DayZ is so big

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There have been bypasses released a few days ago so the coming days will be hell for everyone. Either stop playing until BE patches or get used to dying. I'd recommended some non US server. Seems like they have the most hackers from my own experience.

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Please, share with me your secrets to being hack-proof? If you aren't, then please, tell me how you make server dependent items stick around for more than a day? If you don't work towards any long-term goals, then I assume you either A sit in elektro or cherno and snipe new spawns (whoo...that may just be too much fun to handle) or you are yourself, a script-kiddie.

Not meaning to offend you here. Just want a slice of the dayz pie.

I'm not offended in any way.

I don't sit trying to snipe people, I'm actually trying to play this game by being friendly, hard as it may be.

I'm not a 'script-kiddie' either. I can program a batch-file though, don't know if that makes me guilty? ^^

I try to avoid the hackers i can, which means that i am generally just staying away from most people. Other than that i just try to play on servers that aren't overly populated, and i just live on luck i guess. I can't tell if I'm hack proof though.

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I'm not offended in any way.

I don't sit trying to snipe people, I'm actually trying to play this game by being friendly, hard as it may be.

I'm not a 'script-kiddie' either. I can program a batch-file though, don't know if that makes me guilty? ^^

I try to avoid the hackers i can, which means that i am generally just staying away from most people. Other than that i just try to play on servers that aren't overly populated, and i just live on luck i guess. I can't tell if I'm hack proof though.

Well I sincerely hope your streak continues. Perhaps the problem is that I play in a medium to large group (five to twelve) and they target groups? I don't know. Server pop doesn't seem to matter. We get caught in low and high pop servers. I will try non-us servs, but the latency kills.

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Alrighty then. Now to the point of my post. As you are all aware, hacking has become absolutely rampant in this mod, so much now that every single server I have played on for more than half an hour in the last several days (perhaps week) have had hackers, or more specifically, "script-kiddies" on them. This has lead to so many deaths that I have lost count. Whether it be by mass teleport to a free-for-all where the hacker always wins, an invisible douche shooting me and all my friends, my fresh spawn being teleported into the woods on a road and sniped, being killed by hacked guns, god mode players, aimbot snipers, or even just nuking the entire server which effectively destroys every person, vehicle, and tent on it, a hacker has killed me on every single one of the servers I have played on.

Beans for labeling them what they REALLY are.

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Me and another guy out of our four man group got killed by a teleporting god moder with a PKP yesterday when my character was over a week old. Shot him 4 times with an M107. No dice. Do u see me making a thread on the forums to QQ? No. Because I'm smart enough to realize that the hacking has nothing to do with the DayZ team. Its is all on BattlEye. And not only that, but people hack in every god damn game out there buddy, there's no way around it. You are going to run into them. The fact you run into them so much is just bad luck.

Also accusing someone of being a hacker or a scripter or a fresh spawn killer solely based on that person saying they still enjoy then game when you don't makes you sound like an arrogant little 12-year-old prick. Or accusing them of being a fan boy because they still like that game. Your problem is you have had a string of bad luck.

TL;DR - Get over it, move on, or leave.

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Well I sincerely hope your streak continues. Perhaps the problem is that I play in a medium to large group (five to twelve) and they target groups? I don't know. Server pop doesn't seem to matter. We get caught in low and high pop servers. I will try non-us servs, but the latency kills.

I always play solo, and haven't been script killed in a long long time. ( probably just jinxed myself). Anyway, that sounds like the difference to me. I play solo, avoid players mostly unless I have no choice and generally play survivalist. Where as it sounds like you and your group are actively looking for other players to fight with, therefore your chances of finding a scripter and pissing them off are way higher than mine. My last guy was alive 25 days, which I played roughly 2 - 3 hours a day. So it sounds that play style has something to do with it.

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Me and another guy out of our four man group got killed by a teleporting god moder with a PKP yesterday when my character was over a week old. Shot him 4 times with an M107. No dice. Do u see me making a thread on the forums to QQ? No. Because I'm smart enough to realize that the hacking has nothing to do with the DayZ team. Its is all on BattlEye. And not only that, but people hack in every god damn game out there buddy, there's no way around it. You are going to run into them. The fact you run into them so much is just bad luck.

Also accusing someone of being a hacker or a scripter or a fresh spawn killer solely based on that person saying they still enjoy then game when you don't makes you sound like an arrogant little 12-year-old prick. Or accusing them of being a fan boy because they still like that game. Your problem is you have had a string of bad luck.

TL;DR - Get over it, move on, or leave.

I appreciate your bump and I think that the main difference in your thinking and mine is that I do want to make as much noise as possible about this until the community gets a real, valid response from Rocket and the dev team. This kind of thing would be unacceptable under ANY circumstances for a stand alone game, yet just because "ITS ALFA LUL" it is okay? I am trying to do Dayz and Rocket a favor...the faster they respond to this, the more confidence people will have when the stand alone hits. Unfortunately, a lot of players have been lost already.

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I appreciate your bump and I think that the main difference in your thinking and mine is that I do want to make as much noise as possible about this until the community gets a real, valid response from Rocket and the dev team. This kind of thing would be unacceptable under ANY circumstances for a stand alone game, yet just because "ITS ALFA LUL" it is okay? I am trying to do Dayz and Rocket a favor...the faster they respond to this, the more confidence people will have when the stand alone hits. Unfortunately, a lot of players have been lost already.

And if you could read what I am trying to tell you is that Rocket and the DayZ team can do nothing about it. It is completely out of their hands. Making a bunch of noise about it just annoys people. Do you not think other games have had large influxes of hackers or scripters before? Ever play Battlefield? How about APB? Or maybe Call of Duty? When a game gets a lot of good attention, it also gets a lot of bad attention.

Also did you even read my post? Did I ever make mention once about this being an alpha? I couldn't give two shits if its an Alpha, Beta, or stand alone release, I have fun in the game.

All you are doing right now is dismissing anyone who has a contradicting idea to yours as being a fan boy or a scripter, and make yourself out to be the knight in shining armor, when in all actuality you are just another retard in aluminum foil...

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