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What do you have to do to enable music to play through your mic?

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Seen people run around ciies blasting music on direct chat, do they jsut put their mic up to their speakers? or do they do something else


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You can put a phone playing music close to your microphone. That way the game sounds won't get in the way.

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They Double tap Capslock so it keeps the mic on, and then probably have a stereo blasting out into their mic.

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How can I annoy the hell out of other players with obnoxious music?



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OP means if there's a way to route your system audio through to your Arma2 audio input. I think the game takes your default system settings. I too would like to know how this is done.

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Well everyone that spams the music in this game are usually friendly then others, I never encountered someone who is playing music and wants to kill me, they only want to hang out for a bit then part ways. So if OP wants to that's fine by me, I would just say double tap caps lock and blast some speakers.

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Yeah, we probably don't want to hear your (most likely) shitty music.


That's rude man i'm only gonna play the most quality trance/EDM available :(

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I was trapped in one of the barracks at the NWAF last week when I played a woman screaming horribly from my android into the mic over direct chat. Was funny as hell watching the guy run away out of the window aggroing about thirty zeds along the way.

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I seen a pack of ghillies following a player in the distance. At first I thought they were stalking him, but he didn't have any weapons. When I moved closer, I heard what sounded like Five Finger Deathpunch playing through his mic in directional.

Needless to say, I beat him to death with my fireaxe, and died suddenly to a high-powered rifle.

Seems some people might be put off killing you if you play tunes they like...

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