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-Hoping to get some advice on how to actually use a tent. My friends and I have tried multiple times to drop a tent and store items- but after a server restart, our tents are being wiped of all gear. In one instance, the tent duplicated, but both tents were still empty after the restart. Any advice on how to successfully place a tent, store some gear and guarantee it's gonna be there after a server restart (or at least have a good chance to be there)?

Edited by CodeWalker

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Go in first person mode


Look at ground

Click pitch tent 50 times while moving back and forth

They are a pain in the ass, it doesnt matter if you are on flat ground, ignore that

I read not to store anything in it until server restarts, haven't had any problems in that regard though I have had the replicating tent issue when I moved my placement a bunch of times and came back next day to find 7 tents

Edited by smasht_AU

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Yeah, we know to save it.. Hasn't made any difference. We have no problem placing the tent, and have absolutely saved in every instance. Still, wiping items.

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I save my tents several times before logging off and half the tents I setup are wiped after a restart. It's getting really frustrating. I'm losing a lot of gear lately from this. Just yesterday I found a pickup truck and 3 crash sites. I was completely overloaded with great gear. It was my first time on server and I took a risk putting up a tent and moving half the loot I found into it. I woke up this morning to an empty tent, but truck still had everything in it. And no, no one looted the tent, cause the truck was right next to it, and no one would loot tent w/out taking truck.

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We've heard "Let them sit 24 hours before placing any items" and "once you place it don't move it" - I figure this is just voodoo. Any truth to it?

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Tents are randomly wiped when the server restarts. Just a bug in the game.

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tents are just so unstable right now.

On a few servers, i'll place a tent, decide I don't like where it is and move it a few meters away. I might even do this a few times. On the next restart, there were tents in every spot I had put a tent...

On another server, I put up a tent, took it back down and put it up again a few meters away. Now the 1st spot as a tent that loads whatever was in it on the last save. Basically a permanent duping tent.

Other server I have tents that I could place in a great spot under a tree, but can't select it.

Other servers I have a couple stable tents that actually save correctly and arent wiped on restarts. the problem is they're full because I know they're stable. I need more tents cause I'm getting overfull of items lately.

I even recently found a tent that loads whatever was in its last save every few minutes. I was so excited haha.

Load up tent, click save, take everything out, wait 2 mins, everythings respawned in it!

And vehicles are become almost as unstable as tents lately.

Edited by lnfighter

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