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Zombies should NOT respawn at crash sites if player is still at the scene.

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As the thread title says - if a player clears out a helicopter crash site, then zombies should not be able to respawn at the site while the player is still there. I found one today but had not long spawned so only had a winchester and makarov.

I find the crash site, noticing that there are quite a few zed's and I take them all out with my winchester. I start checking the site out then about 60 seconds later they ALL respawn, chasing me away making it impossible to find any gear that may have been there. I end up letting them kill me out of frustration that I blew all my ammo for absolutely nothing.

It's daft watching about 15 zombies just appear all around you only about a minute before killing the original 15.

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if you know how to handle zombies this isnt a problem..you should have no problem with zombies with a winchester unless you didnt look for ammo. i know its unrealistic for them to respawn but its a video game and it brings more of a challenge to looting heli sites. i like it.

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i disagree, helicopters hold some of the best loot in the game ( nvg's, optional clothing, and the rarest guns). It should be a challenge to get this equipment.

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what would be really cool would be a self destruct option that appears in the helicopter menu after you've killed all the zombies, that might blow the chopper up and turn it into a rotor assembly, scrap metal, and maybe some engine parts, etc.

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what would be really cool would be a self destruct option that appears in the helicopter menu after you've killed all the zombies, that might blow the chopper up and turn it into a rotor assembly, scrap metal, and maybe some engine parts, etc.

HEY....no..thats what the factorys are for...

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How about zeds spawn unseen in nearby forests/buildings every now and then and head towards the crash site as if attracted by the crash itself.

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Had the same thing just yesterday. Snuck up to a crash site, noticed the Zeds and took them out. All 15 of them, carefully "sniping" with my M4A3 CCO. Used up half my ammo, then as I approach the helo they all spawn right at it...just sucks. Really. It's not realistic.

My Suggestion: Disable Zombie respawn for as long as a player is in the area. And if its just at crash sites.

Edited by Rick Grimer
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if you know how to handle zombies this isnt a problem..you should have no problem with zombies with a winchester unless you didnt look for ammo. i know its unrealistic for them to respawn but its a video game and it brings more of a challenge to looting heli sites. i like it.

I was immediately spotted by one when it respawned, then I watched as all the others popped in. This isn't an issue regarding my play, I know how to handle them. I had 15 shots with my Winchester and a couple of makarov magazines. I missed one shot with my Winchester in the process of taking out about 15 zombies (a deer stand near by unfortunately meant the 3 zeds there came as well).

If I was well armed and had to mow them all down again I'd still be making this thread. It's irritating and unnecessary. A crash site is extremely rare and well mobbed by zombies as is - no need to have a seemingly very low respawn timer on the zeds in that location.

At whoever said it should be a challenge - once you are armed well enough then the zeds at a crash site are never a challenge. In fact, zeds in general fail to be a challenge. My point is it's simply daft for them to respawn at the site while you are still there AND so soon after you deal with the initial batch. In my scenario I described above it is particularly irritating as it meant I had no time to have a good look for loot - either off the crash site or the 15 or so zeds I just downed, but as I said, I'd be making the same suggestion if I was rocking a M249 SAW with several belts of ammo and a PDW with 6 mags to back it up. The respawn is simply stupid. Wait until you leave the area and then respawn. Simple.

P.S. I did look for ammo but only had the 15 shots. As you are aware, chopper crash sites are meant to be rare, so was I fuck passing it by when I had enough ammo to kill the zeds that spawned at it - which I did. Why would I look for more ammo if I have enough to deal with what I can see? I wasn't anticipating a respawn 60 seconds (if that) after I killed the first lot.

Edited by Rab

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I'm glad you died and this fix you say doesn't need to be fixed. It's you who needs fixing.

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I'm glad you died and this fix you say doesn't need to be fixed. It's you who needs fixing.

Reasoning? Instead of childish mockery? In what way does zombies respawning right next to you about 1 min after you just killed the previous batch make sense in reference to the game? They spawn in plain view, right before your eyes - it's simply stupid and can't be intended.

Thanks for your insight, troll.

If you can't make any sensible contribution to the thread then just don't post. Your attitude is what really needs fixing.

Edited by Rab

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prone towards the crash-site


problem solved

Captain Obvious Away!

It wasn't dark and so prone isn't a guarantee, besides - you are missing the point and so you haven't solved any problems because you haven't actually addressed my problem.

I am NOT complaining about the numerous zombies surrounding a crash site, I am complaining about them all respawning about 1 min (maybe even less) after you have killed the initial batch. Had I known they would do that, then I would have proned before it happened AND THEN STILL made this thread about how stupid it is that they respawn so quickly while you are still at the scene.

Edited by Rab

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It "breaks the immersion" as so many other like to point out. It's not about the game being too hard. If you want unrealistic things that make the game harder then why fix the zeds glitching through walls? Why fix stairs breaking your legs? That makes the game easier, go play <insert game with pink logo here>. I can, with certainty, say that it's not Rocket's intention for zombies to appear from nowhere in front of you. Put 20 Zombies at the helo... 30, 100, I don't care. But they shouldn't reappear right next to you after you kill them (same goes for any other location in the game).

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throw 1 or two flares and/or smoke grenades to the sides of the heli, sneak in, grab the gear and leave. i've done this before and have never fired a single round. yes it's like a beacon for bandits, but so is firing your gun.

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if you know how to handle zombies this isnt a problem..you should have no problem with zombies with a winchester unless you didnt look for ammo. i know its unrealistic for them to respawn but its a video game and it brings more of a challenge to looting heli sites. i like it.

I think he is saying that zombies Respawned after he killed them all. which they do really fucking quickly. no one has that much ammo :)

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Do all of you making suggestions about how to get gear for a crash site really not get it? We all know the workarounds for these bugs, repeating them doesn't help. You may have noticed this was posted in the Suggestions forum not the How Do I Play This Game forum.

I'm sure the dev team is fully aware of how broken zombie behavior is. If it was intended for the zombies to walk through walls and materialize from thin air they would have given them a different skin and called them ghosts, or fairies, or freaking leprechauns, not zombies.

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what would be really cool would be a self destruct option that appears in the helicopter menu after you've killed all the zombies, that might blow the chopper up and turn it into a rotor assembly, scrap metal, and maybe some engine parts, etc.

That makes sense how?

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I'm actually loving some of the posts in this topic. While in so many other topics across the forum every preaches "This game is SO realistic" Meanwhile everyone on his topic is completely fine with 15 zombies spawning ontop of you out of nowhere, with their buggy patching and extendo arms when they swing at you. Sounds pretty gamebreaking. Thank god my brother had a M4 CCO SD when we got our magic spawn. I guess the evil warlock watching us through his crystal ball wanted to try and kill us.

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I have new insight on this topic. While them respawning isn't exactly realistic, I had NO issues taking out zeds with my Glock 17 and looting a chopper crash all I wanted just outside the NWAF fence. It's not hard to avoid the zombies there (just like anywhere else on the map). Not to say that I like them coming back, but it didn't affect me at all while I was there. If you spend enough time there for them to start respawning maybe you are staying exposed too long.

Edited by slonlo

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