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Looking for group.

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I've been playing solo for a few weeks and I've experienced some group action, I must say it was like a totally new game so I'm trying to join a group, problem is I don't like using Skype it removes part of the fear of talking In-Game and most groups say "We require you to have Skype" well, fuck.

So if anyone out there is interested in a 22 years old survivor from Spain (GMT+1) I'm here waiting for you, I don't care what my role is but I must say that I don't care about high-risk situations like scavenging in a bandit-infested town. Been there, done that, got the scars.

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Same here fuck Skype lol

Mayb one day though...in game chat works great though.

I've only been playing for 5 days though but I've picked up alot of stuff.

Like u I don't care what group cuz I've never tried grouping with others yet.

I don't mind looting anything and if I feel someone is gonna shoot I'll fire without a 2nd thought.

But I'm just up for a good time and safety in numbers.

I'm from UK

Steam - maniacmike

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New to this and trying to get a few more heads to buy the game, but so far it's me and my brother. My steam is knoccturnal_daydreamer. Add a nigga!

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Hey can i join

steam: mafia_taco

add me on steam so i know and stuff

Edited by mafia_taco

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Steam ==> cavemanlove1

Edited by Cavemanlove

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So if anyone out there is interested in a 22 years old survivor from Spain (GMT+1) I'm here waiting for you

I suspect her inbox just crashed from the onslaught of lonely gamers mauling the shit out of it.

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Count me in, your playstyle sounds similar to mine, only going to citys when its save there, trying to build up a camp in the wastelands(regions farther away the Pobeda dam). Steamname:Axon0p62

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