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Rising (DayZ)

Hackers have become a bigger problem than KoS

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They have replaced silent random bandits as the biggest threat in DayZ. This seems to be caused by the same domino effect as when an innocent gets killed by bandits one too many times, that they themselves become a KoS bandit just to survive. I think quite a few number of those 700K players have turned to hacks after becoming a victim themselves.

Just an observation on this social experiment. The only fix is to move away from the ArmA engine, as soon as possible..

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I don't agree. I think that legit players very rarely stoop to hacking because they've been killed by hackers.

I think that the game being the hottest FOTM game has something to do with the large hacker population.

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Hackers are a big problem in the past three days Ive seen some form of hacking on almost every server Ive been in. From the thunderdome to hacked weapons to a single player killing everyone in the server.

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Some ppl doesn't handle the frustration of a slow weapon collecting.. to be killed by a camper, so they cheat. It's amplified by the fact that the arma2 engine is so customizable that cheating (without being busted) is so damn easy .. plus the BattleEye is a joke.

I never liked those script-kiddies.. but how to blame em, this game (atm) is a cheater/troll party invite!

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