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Distinguishing friendlies

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Sorry if this idea has been posted before, my search was unsuccessful if it has.

If two players declare themselves friendly (must be mutually agreed via an ingame mechanic), then the skin texture for those two players would change to signify that the player is friendly.

The only people able to see these 'friendly' skins would be those that have declared that they're are friendly to each other. The rest of the playerbase would still see default skins.

It shouldn't be something too obvious, but it should be visible at short range... perhaps a green armband or something.

The idea behind this is to simulate facial recognition... so the viewable distance should match the kind of range that we can recognise people we know at.

Shooting mechanics are not affected, so accidental friendly fire or betrayal is still possible between friends.

This 'friendly' declaration will only last until you die, so if you want to team up again, you must redeclare.

That is all... have at it!

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That was constructive. :P Is there a reason behind the 'nope' or just a knee-jerk reaction?

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How do you manage what is the "real" intent of the person?

Aka, declare you friendly then turn it off and shoot you in the back of the head.

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Just do what most people do.

Use voice communication (AKA Skype or TS3) and make sure you always know where your friends are.

When I assault someone with friends, I always make sure to doubly-check who that is I'm shooting at. I look at their weapon and backpack, which helps me identify if they're my friends or not.

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You see in a lot of videos, people panicking ('is that you, is that you?) when people of their own group stand two feet away from them... in 'real life' you'd clearly recognise who they were at that distance... hence the suggestion.

And while using skype/TS3 works well in an established group of friends, it's not so good for randoms. Yes, there is also ingame comms, but this just fills a gap for players that might not have a mic, or are unable to use one at the time.

How do you manage what is the "real" intent of the person?

Aka, declare you friendly then turn it off and shoot you in the back of the head.

Simply put... you don't. This suggestion isn't really about adding trust between players. Just about identifying them when they're nearby.

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You could achieve this sort of identification (on close range) you intend by just suggesting every friendly player to use a special face from the options.

So your idea is partly already possible, just spread the word ;)

Edited by NamDam

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I tend to find most people look almost exactly the same though.. and is it possible to change your face without starting a new character?

If not, it kind of defeats the point a bit.

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I tend to find most people look almost exactly the same though.. and is it possible to change your face without starting a new character?

If not, it kind of defeats the point a bit.

Yes. Just go to the main menu, choose Profile, choose yours and edit face.

Character information is saved by CD Key, not by profile.

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I agree with easily distinguishable partners - my group uses the same face so when we find someone to shoot and they don't have our face, we replace theirs with a bullet.. you should be able to choose your body appearance in the beginning and keep it consistent.. which would also add to realism, as of right now clothing is random when you log in and differently displayed to everyone else.

EDIT: but no blatant arrow following you saying "friendly"

Edited by whatbadguy

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/me changes face to infiltrate a group... *queue mission impossible music* B)

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How about a signal flare gun, where the signal flare falls down in a little parachute? (edit, I knew I spelled that word wrong)

At least it would be a way to signal inentions of friendship, and then the other party would best try to behave in some manner that doesn't resemble one associated with a hostile party.

Edited by Treehugger

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How about a signal flare gun, where the signal flare falls down in a little parashute?

At least it would be a way to signal inentions of friendship, and then the other party would best try to behave in some manner that doesn't resemble one associated with a hostile party.


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