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unreasonable murders -> lack of identity


31 members have voted

  1. 1. read the post first - what do you think of the described system

    • good
    • bad, see my post
    • needs more thinking
    • too complicated
    • other, see my post
    • i did not read the post, but i raged at the title, just wanted to let OP know that he sucks d***

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No this is not DayZ play another game if this is that big of an issue to you.

DayZ must never change!!! We must keep her pure!! Wait..!! Who got mustard on my skinny jeans??!!

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I read your post a second time..because it is not very clear.


1. You didn't say But i'm assuming these "stat pages" are accessible by other players. So other players could see your stats?

2. You say give players an in game name that would not lead directly to their stat page? What does that mean? Would it lead indirectly to their stat page?

3. You say give them a memory...A memory of what? Of other players names?

4. You say the things listed in A could lesson the tension in the game if not implemented "correctly". What would be the correct way to implement them? And also its not totally clear what things from A you were referring to. Im guessing the list of tracked statistics..but still you were not clear about it in your description.

5. Your intentions seem noble but.....overly complicated.

sorry, as you most probably noticed english is not my first language ;)

1 - yes, they could

2 - my point was, to give the player a tracable account. but you should not be able to see someone ingame, type their name in the statistics page and see if he is trustworthy, that would be too simple. BUT if this player is a VIP and you got visual contact, there would be a way to check his profile and/or his account name would be shown ingame. for 'small fishes it would almost stay how it is, but people can still take their account name for their ingame name of course. how this is implemented is open to discussion.

3 - the memory would be the indication of the account name of VIP's. see it as a memory of 'i have seen this guy carrying people out of cherno, hes a good guy' or 'was this the mad bus driver that runs over everyone he sees?'

4 - the correct way to implement this has to be found. i gave an example based on my opinion: indicate the VIP with their names, maybe green if they are good, red when they are bad. but this could already be too much. another idea could be a 'look at his face' option (can be done from farer away) and a result that is based on the statistics page, not on actual ingame events. 'ive seen this guy before' and an indicator whether he is green or red.

a bad way to implement it would be to just show all names and their status. that would kill all the tension in pvp interactions, because everybody could be checked out on the statistics.

5 - there are about 250 000 people thinking about it from time to time. if there was an easy way it had been found already.

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Hmm...I give my opinion, which disagrees with yours, and you say I am an immature raging manhunter. I am saying that if I kill you because I want your pack, which is a TOTALLY VIABLE way to play this game, I probably am not going to give a thought that this will boost my kill count and make people more hostile towards me. I didn't kill this person because I am an ass, i killed him because I wanted his gear. I am not going to hug everyone I meet. If it is advantageous to me at the time to end someone's life, so be it. If I wish to eliminate someone due to the risk of him thinking that my pack would look better on his back as opposed to mine, so what? If I feel that I could use a partner, I will take the risk of saying "friendly". My decisions will not be influenced by an abstract number, because frankly, I don't give a fuck. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one. I will decide based on the situations presented to me. I have never had greater than three kills in one life since I prefer to stick to the shadows than unnecessarily end life. What if I am at the NW airfield and I come out of a total bloodbath with four self-defense kills. Does this mean I am a raging warmonger? It has the same problem as the bandit skin-there is no way to tell if the kills were defensive or not. Coupled with the not giving a fuck, I am fairly sure people will still kill.

IDK where you pulled the man up thing from, all I said was that people will probably not care about their kill counts.

you did not read my post properly. i wrote it repeatedly, i do not want to change your style of play. i want to give players that dont play this way options.

if you are not emotionally affected by killing someone, and you dont care that you have 20 (i know its not been that much) kills in your statistic, its cool. if you dont kill because your an ass, then you most probably dont get caught by this system. you have no disadvantages.

a survivor, that does not want to kill people will try to avoid those killings, because now they are potentially accessible by the community.

there will always be killings in the game, there is no way around that, and it is good like that. the only thing we CAN do, is to give a option not to kill on sight.

Edited by Sturmgeist

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you did not read my post properly. i wrote it repeatedly, i do not want to change your style of play. i want to give players that dont play this way options.

if you are not emotionally affected by killing someone, and you dont care that you have 20 (i know its not been that much) kills in your statistic, its cool. if you dont kill because your an ass, then you most probably dont get caught by this system. you have no disadvantages.

a survivor, that does not want to kill people will try to avoid those killings, because now they are potentially accessible by the community.

there will always be killings in the game, there is no way around that, and it is good like that. the only thing we CAN do, is to give a option not to kill on sight.

The thing is, I still can't tell with a number that he is trustworthy. I walk up to someone with no kills since, hey, he's trustworthy right? He shoots me twice and leaves me on the wayside. Why? Because he was being a bandit that life. No problem. Maybe if it added kill counts from the last few lives, you could get a better picture. Chances are someone with 10, 12, and 9 kills in his recent lives isn't a nice guy ;). It is still a question of how he got the kills. Maybe people could also set a status to friendly so people would see it on the page. That may open people to betrayal, but hey, you always take that risk with friendly.

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The thing is, I still can't tell with a number that he is trustworthy. I walk up to someone with no kills since, hey, he's trustworthy right? He shoots me twice and leaves me on the wayside. Why? Because he was being a bandit that life. No problem. Maybe if it added kill counts from the last few lives, you could get a better picture.

interesting idea. so far i just thougt of one live or all lives. statistic of a few (say 5) lives would be a good concept to see a development.

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