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Neil James

Never had problems before... now i have to deal with this every 2 minutes

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Anybody help me :'(

never had a problem before


Only seems to happen on low settings :/


This is a firestation


Edited by Neil James

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Happens to many people since

Will be patched out on the next update. Caused by Soldier Bodies and Barbed wire.

Tweaking with your graphical settings might fix it temporarily.

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A restart the game and 75% of the time it works. Av died so many times from this a don't even go anywhere near dead soldiers lol.

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i can fix it for about 10 seconds by Shift+- flush or reseting my default video settings. i've seen the screen glitches before but not fucking invisible shit everywhere! i'm sick of it -.-

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This is caused by traps and military zombies corpses.

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i launch the game and walk down a street and buildings turn invisible infront of my face

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