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To the tent owners in US 745

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To the tent owners of US 745:

You know who you are. You are missing a compass and watch. I felt bad so I left an epi-pen, morphine, and two M1911 mags. Think of it as take a penny, leave a penny.

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I usually leave tin cans, it's my calling card.

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To the tent owners of US 745:

You know who you are. You are missing a compass and watch. I felt bad so I left an epi-pen, morphine, and two M1911 mags. Think of it as take a penny, leave a penny.

Find my Tent feel feel free to take the m4a1 cco sd, as50 and nvg

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Loot is loot, if you find it, it is yours.

Now what would be interesting is if you could leave notes in game...lol.

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Find my Tent feel feel free to take the m4a1 cco sd, as50 and nvg

I'd love to. PM some directions please.

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I was in 745 about a week ago. Cords 15,32 ish. I found a BUNCH of tents and a car. Safe to say those tents are no more. (Neither is the car, I got AS50'd)

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