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Looking for 1-2 players to join our group (EU)

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We are looking to add 1-2 players to our current group of 4 skilled players.

We usually play in the evening 19:00 - 02:00 (GMT +2).

We call NL36 our home (we are also the host of this server).

You must be 21 years or older, have a proper working microphone (we use Teamspeak 3).

Our daily activities consist of hunting players (Stary / NWA, and the occassional Elektro or Cherno raid), finding/repairing vehicles, and looking for camps.

You do not have to be a DayZ veteran to be considered for joining us.

For further information please contact me in this thread or send me a PM.

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I am quite interested in joining a small group. I have been playing Dayz for a while now (5-6 weeks). Got a good amount of knowledge within the game ( I know where to find my stuff and how to engage). I am a lone wolf most of the times but want to get some experience within a team.

Age - 21 years

Nationality - Dutch (Living in the UK at the moment, but will move back to the Netherlands in September)

Got a microphone (Skype and TS).

Just died yesterday but slowly getting up North to regain equipment.

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yo, im 24 years old from Norway. ive played dayz for about 2 months now, im well geared with sniper/AR NVGs and range finders.

hope to hear from you.

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Hi Randal im 28 y old and play GMT +2 as well. Would be interested to check you out. Unfortunately im leaving today for holiday till sunday, so can log on Monday. PM me your skype or something :)

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Hi Randal, Im 28 and I like to join you guys, my dayz id is [NL]Fierce.

You guys playing this evening? I have a working mic,steam,skype and teamspeak 3.

Edited by NL-Fierce

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would have my beans if you accepted me, although im 13

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