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Tents - little faq please?

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Can any1 explain me, how tents work? Is it save when i quit game? Save after restart? Its onyl on the one server where i put it? Also i can somehow save my car?

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It is only on the server it is placed on

You must select the Save Tent option to save the contents

If your tent is flatted/blown up/attacked by rabbits, it will reappear on server reset.

If you place a tent, you can pick it back up as long as you have not died. (might be bugged as I could pack someones tent at a camp I had never been too yesterday)

Anyone can loot your tent, so try to hide it.

Vehicles same thing with the save option but if they are destroyed, they wont reappear after a restart.(will also lose any items inside when they are blown up)

Edited by Dev
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Can any1 explain me, how tents work? Is it save when i quit game? Save after restart? Its onyl on the one server where i put it? Also i can somehow save my car?

If you put your tent on the ground, it will be only on that server. Also the cars are bound to the server you find them.

You need to "save" (scroll mouse wheel) them to save your stuff (and vehicle location).

Edited by Jukez

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Yea. Actual there are some bugs that the tents don't save your equip, don't matter how many times u hit save old camping tent. So better wait with them for a new patch.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :P

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Yea. Actual there are some bugs that the tents don't save your equip, don't matter how many times u hit save old camping tent. So better wait with them for a new patch.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :P


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Yea. Actual there are some bugs that the tents don't save your equip, don't matter how many times u hit save old camping tent. So better wait with them for a new patch.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :P

I was going to ask that... thanks guys for this thread!

I have a tent in my backpack right now that I've been meaning to set up but I've been afraid since every other post is "fix the tents!".

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I'm surprised they won't fix it. They probably haven't figured out how yet. Your tent might save and it might not it's just random right now.

Rocket said it is an issue since people have placed so many tents (he said over a million, but I don't know if that is a serious number) and the hive wasn't set up to handle that many tents and that is why all new tents have the possibility of glitching out.

I believe he stated this in the patch notes, but I'm not going to crawl through the 80+ pages to find the exact quote.

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Yea. Actual there are some bugs that the tents don't save your equip, don't matter how many times u hit save old camping tent. So better wait with them for a new patch.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :P

Sometimes it works and sometimes the hive deletes all of your tents. Shit happens, I guess. One of the first rules of Dayz is don't become attached to your stuff.

Seriously, it's a crapshoot as to whether or not a tent will keep your items safe.

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Thanks for the info guys, I've been wondering about tents. Since they've been multiplying like rabbits in my inventory every time I log into a server I'll have to experiment. It's not like I only have one to lose, LOL!!!!

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To use tents first put it down. Moving while trying to place it works wonders. Then once its down, SAVE IT. Then wait for a server restart to place items in it. If you don't wait for a restart any items you put in the tent will be gone, bu this only applies to the first restart after you put down the tent.

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