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Hackers ruined my dayz

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In the last 2 days i encountered 4 hackers(1 of them im not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me) total in 4-5 hours of play, on 3 different servers.

First one got everyone on the server, about 40 people, teleported to the airfield where he started shooting at us. I disconnected.

Second dude was very nice. I was checking out the field above Stary, to see if it was safe to cross, he appeared behind me(no footsteps or anything), and started a very nice conversation, if i needed anything. Offered me a car, spawned an ammo box, and when i politely declined, he left. He was like the candyman of hackers, but at least he was nice, i appreciate the touch.

Third one, im not so sure if he was a hacker or just has a really bad connection, but he ran through a field about 600 meters wide in under half a minute. We didn't bother eachother.

Fourth one i think also teleported behind me, although im not sure, but there was no sound and there he was crouching next to the bush i was in(a bit of sniping atop Elektro /sorry to the 2 guys i shot, i was really bored/). I got startled, and proceeded to shoot him. 4 bullets in the chest area from abour 1-2 meters from my m24. He still lived, and moved, and then he sprayed me with one burst from his bizon(i think). Now im dead and he's probably fine.

It really annoys me how many hackers there are, and how ruinous they are to the game. I mean after all this i dont want to play the game anymore. Low pop servers are mostly safe from them but then where's the fun? High pop servers are fucked, but it would be fun if these people weren't so annoyingly in everyone's way of fun.

To all hackers: Just spawn yourself some weapons each time you die, if you cant live without your guns and camo, but don't ruin the game for everyone else PLEASE.

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They'll always be hackers... creating measures to prevent this takes time. Before DayZ the ARMA mod community was very mature to be blunt (not full of kids).

Things will improve you need active server Admins, not like these big game company's whom just want the PR.

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4th happened to me. Didn't teleport, but shot a bunch of times and still got killed, like the slugs did nothing (shot from a m1014).

well, a new life seems to bring now oppertinuties anyway, right? I mean when I respawned I found a coyote backpack in the firehouse in cherno, it's not all bad.

Still, they need to fix that. That's game breaking when you deserve that kill but you still end up getting shot the the other guy hasn't a scratch.

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If you so much :( face gtfo. Its alpha.

Virginfags uses h4x atm koz battleeye sack balls.

Cant wait to the day Dayz get a real antihack program, and all the virginfags are getting banned at the same time,

That day will be a great day.

Edited by 4L4N
Deleted annoying flash img
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I opened this thread to make an unproductive smartass remark...

... I stayed for the haunting music.

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They'll always be hackers... creating measures to prevent this takes time. Before DayZ the ARMA mod community was very mature to be blunt (not full of kids).

Things will improve you need active server Admins, not like these big game company's whom just want the PR.

Yeah quite honestly DayZ becoming popular was very bad for it.. the amount of kids with way too much free time on their hands that lack any sort of maturity have become unbearable and aside from the hacking they've pretty much made this game a 100% KOS... I'm on hiatus currently due to losing months worth of gear on a single character due to some jackass mass killing the whole server.

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fun hacker encounters:

1) hacker teleported next to us, we had 3 vehicles, i was on Atv and my friend was in V3S nearby and last one was in Pickup truck. Hacker started blasting off with some silenced submachine gun, killing driver in a Pickup truck instantly. When i noticed the guy in a Ghillie suit i backed off a little and got out of my Atv to take the guy out, while he was still shooting Pickup truck and destroying it. I had him on my sight and headshot him atleast 10 times from DMR (i saw blood marks from his head), my other friend on V3S truck ran him over and his body flew backwards 10m, still the guy didnt die and just killed us.

2) hacker teleported everyone do the International Hotel roof in Cherno, some players were just running off the roof edge, not realizing where they were :D, but as that place has no alternative way down, you had to jump off anyway, unless you wanted to wait for a miracle chopper. (also 2 friends were in the bus when the hacker striked, and they were safe, maybe being in a bus has immunity to teleportation script) :P

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