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Nighttime is NOT realistic

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Have any of you who make this game ever been outside in the country on an autumnnight? Becuse, its NOT that dark. When i play at night i cant even se a meter a head of me, hey, i cant even see at all. EVERYTHING is pitch black. I live on the country which is one of the reasons why i love this game, i live in the same kind of enviroments. But its NEVER that dark on an autumnnight. Never. Its too dark which is a huge turnoff since its unrealistic and almost impossible to play without nightvision.

Other then fixing the nighttime, it would be more realistic if you could fill watterbottles with water inside a resident at its faucet. Becuse that is realistic. But maybe that would make it all to easy. But still, its realistic.

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It's not made to be realistic...

I thought Dayz was a game that strives for realism

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The night time is to do with the ArmA engine, not DayZ, whether this can be changed or not I dontk now... if all else fails just turn your brightness and gamma up - instant poor mans night vision.

As for filling from taps... well who knows how long this zombie apocolypse has been going on, for all we know the mains water supply ran dry/broke down/got polluted years ago.

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It's not made to be realistic...

Actually, Dayz is a mod off of a military simulator so its supposed to be very close to real life. I understand why the threadstarter is complaining about this, and i think its an issue that will be solved in standalone.

Edited by SniFF
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It's not made to be realistic...

Yes it is. Zombie apocalypse survival sim you idiot.

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It's not made to be realistic...

Not sure if Trolling or actully stupid...


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Have any of you who make this game ever been outside in the country on an autumnnight? Becuse, its NOT that dark. When i play at night i cant even se a meter a head of me, hey, i cant even see at all. EVERYTHING is pitch black. I live on the country which is one of the reasons why i love this game, i live in the same kind of enviroments. But its NEVER that dark on an autumnnight. Never. Its too dark which is a huge turnoff since its unrealistic and almost impossible to play without nightvision.

Other then fixing the nighttime, it would be more realistic if you could fill watterbottles with water inside a resident at its faucet. Becuse that is realistic. But maybe that would make it all to easy. But still, its realistic.

I dont know where you live exactly but I live far north in Scandinavia and when it turns into night time here it gets PITCH-black. Not even kidding here, you cant see your own feet. So yeah, it IS realistic.

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Authenticity IS the name of the game. As I believe it has been stated, ARMA II was not made for night so I'm still pretty happy with what Day Z has managed with the night. I've found most of the time a simple up in Gamma can fix the issue but I really enjoy the the semi-lit up night with the moon and stars where you can still see everything decently well. I wish this or a slightly darker version of it were the far more common version of nights but I don't feel they are. There is a version of night that is completely pitch black, not even gamma-raise will save you and I'm with you OP, it is close to unrealistically dark if not unrealistically for a few of us (depends on where you live).

I believe the issue is known but I'm not sure what the solution is if there is one. I would suggest though to either take an official poll and see how many people prefer this absolute darkness and how many people feel it should be taken out because I can tell you there are plenty who prefer absolute darkness for the advantages it gives those with night vision. It also makes chemlights, flashlights, and flares far more useful (Many of us simply do not use them on a lit-up night, or semi-dark night (gamma-raise fix).

I personally do not mind the pitch-black, when I die in it I blame myself for not being prepared with lighting tools.

Edited by 8thful

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I dont know where you live exactly but I live far north in Scandinavia and when it turns into night time here it gets PITCH-black. Not even kidding here, you cant see your own feet. So yeah, it IS realistic.

Mee too, or more like in the middle.

Maybe on a winternight or really late autumn but consider how long its bright outside in this game before it gets dark its safe to say its not late autumn.

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it does get very very dark at times but to me that's more of a fun challenge

also i've seen a few nights that had the moon out which provided me with enough light without even adjusting gamma etc.- unless under thick vegetation ofcourse, just like it is in real life/nature.

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Nighttime is awesome for stocking up good stuff quickly. At least on low pop servers. Gamma and high HDR helping greatly.

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Lol, nights too dark? Perhaps you should go back to Ponyland Online if you dont like it. You are aware that the darkness of the night is based upon which "season" that the server is configured to be in, right? Also, if you dont like it, just turn up gamma and brightness.

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Oh my god, it's getting dark at night, this is an outrage.

Another topic, yet another U mad bro?

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Oh my god, it's getting dark at night, this is an outrage.

Another topic, yet another U mad bro?

If you went outside more you would see the unrealism in it too B)

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Quick someone post that light pollution picture!

Also you have to realize that it is the apocalypse. There doesn't seem to be any stable power grid anywhere meaning most likely there are no cities lighting up the sky at night. Without light pollution shit gets real dark.

Edited by drseptapus

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the main issue with night in arma is that stars doesnt provide any light. so if there are stars in sky or not its same shit.

the second issue is your survivors damaged brain, that doesnt allows him to use pistol and flashlight at the same time, or attach it to primary weapon or your body(head, shoulder). which is all engines limitation.

if this issues werent exist, threads like this wouldnt exist

Edited by Frozen

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It can be that dark. When there are clouds covering the sky, stripping it of the moon and stars and with no lights on for miles. It is pitch black outside.

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have you ever been to a socialist country at night? it is pitch black.

wait a second, you are using the BS realism argument on a zombie game? boy u fail hard...

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We have moon cycles implemented and when it's >halfmoon it's fairly easy to see around. Only at newmoon/cloudy it's pitch black as it should be. If they just fix flashlights so they dont take pistol slot playing nighttime would actually be quite fun

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It's depressing that people don't even do simple google searches.

However nighttime in place with low light pollution tend to allow you to see when the moon is out, however under heavy cloud you normally cant see much at all.

Also depends what time of night as some parts are light other are dark.

But yes the game isn't great for night time play and that does need to be improved slightly but honestly its not that bad.

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Funny night time in the country on a moonless night with no light around and clouds in the sky look pretty dam dark to me, infact about as dark as ARMA 2 is at night.

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