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Broken leg at NWAF

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I have no morphine...

Is there anyway out? Friends said that they are coming but...

they may be a while

Any ideas? Any medical tents near the airfield?

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I'll offer an m24 to anyone who helps :P

I've got it in a tent so... no point killing me

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I have no way to prove my good intentions...So perhaps this wasnt a good idea...I'll just wait for my friends aha..

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hmm, judging from OP's avatar, who is setting a trap for who?

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Obvious bandit trap is obvious?

To attack the guy with the broken leg and probably several wounds? Make room for Captain Courageous over here.

no worries bra i got some beans

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Rule 1. Trust no one.

Rule 2. If they say there friendly there lieing.

Rule 3. Shoot first and never ask question's.

Rule 4. If its marked on the map it's a trap.

Rule 5. The beans are a lie.

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I say, post your position and server on this forum, crawl to the nearest bush, and enjoy the fireworks.

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Rule 1. Trust no one.

Rule 2. If they say there friendly there lieing.

Rule 3. Shoot first and never ask question's.

Rule 4. If its marked on the map it's a trap.

Rule 5. The beans are a lie.

Rule 6. Correct spelling and grammar are optional.

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