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[VIDEO] Ever wanted to screw with your friends?

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A friend of mine felt like having fun with a couple of our other friends. So, we changed our names (Dave Matthews and Peter Frampton) and headed for where they were headed. We of course had the stupidly powerful upper hand, being on ventrilo with them and knowing exactly where they would be and when.

This is the kind of fun you can have screwing with your friends. A first person perspective of their horror, with ventrilo recordings and all. Though they're my friends, and not yours, I promise you'll find at least some of it relate-able.

I urge you to open this in youtube, and to read the description.

It's an experiment gone horribly right. They still don't know. I don't want to blow my chances of having more videos like this.

Edited by Darxink
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Bleh, yeah that's a fraps thing for me. Need to figure that out.

Not too important for the video though, hope it's not too unpleasant!

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I thought this was gold. I'm waiting for some of my buddies to get good enough to be able to troll them. Right now they probably wouldn't even know what was happening...

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Excellent. "It's Dave Matthews that son of a bitch!" had me in stiches, bravo.

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Thanks! I'm wondering if doing this more will have the same appeal both for me, and the videos. It's just really hard to get that genuine feel that the recordings have any other way.

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