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Negativity & the Experiment

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'Moderation' does not equal censorship.

'Free speech' does not mean you can spout homophobic insults, racial slurs or any other offensive language with impunity, hiding behind the anonymity the internet affords you.

Whilst I agree with the spirit of the OP I fear that the trend of venemous replies is a common one to all 'general discussion' forums, not just DayZ.

Very well put. I call it 'forum elitism syndrome' and It happens in a lot of places with or without tight moderation.

4L4N, thanks for some input. I understand that both the mod and the game afford a lot of freedoms, its why it gets the general abuse.

It's like any inanimate object can be misused by a total dillhole, money, a gun etc. Up until that point it didn't really do anything it just 'was'.

I think with more respect for each other we can phase the negativity out.

Edited by disorder

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Precisely my friend.

Good job I left that in there for people to find.

Flytraps are amazing plants aren't they?

You mastermind you, this was your plan all along! Man I should've known.

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Using curse words may not be good behaviour, but separating people into the groups "intelectual" and "dumbass" isn't either. And putting yourself in the first group isn't well-mannared, it's called hubris. It's not like I wouldn't welcome less cursing and whining, it's just that I don't agree with your presentation.

Fair enough.I have no problem with that.This is what i mean by being civil.On a forum you are expected(and should be expected) to be civil to the gaming community as a whole.The main reason i come off with this presentation is simply that the majority of those who uses cursing to express themselves usually use it against others.

Its one thing to have "That fucking rocked man!"

And another to have "What? Are you fucking stupid?"

Give a guess which use is a lot more common on here.Hence my presentation.Cursing has it's place just not in the way it is mostly used.Those who use it for insults or downing others simply aren't intelligent.That is all.

Edit: Furthermore if a person can be well mannered and in general do well on these forums, i consider tham smarter or more mature than most on here.I consider that a "forum" intellectual.I guess i should have explained that right off.Sorry mate.

Edited by Wolfgrey666

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We're not intellectuals and they aren't dumb. In fact there is no we and they. We are actually all equal, but people forget that simple thing. That we're not all hate robots and that cause and effect, the domino effect, are bigger influences than we imagine.

Edited by disorder

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Fair enough.I have no problem with that.This is what i mean by being civil.On a forum you are expected(and should be expected) to be civil to the gaming community as a whole.The main reason i come off with this presentation is simply that the majority of those who uses cursing to express themselves usually use it against others.

Its one thing to have "That fucking rocked man!"

And another to have "What? Are you fucking stupid?"

Give a guess which use is a lot more common on here.Hence my presentation.Cursing has it's place just not in the way it is mostly used.Those who use it for insults or downing others simply aren't intelligent.That is all.

Edit: Furthermore if a person can be well mannered and in general do well on these forums, i consider tham smarter or more mature than most on here.I consider that a "forum" intellectual.I guess i should have explained that right off.Sorry mate.

I completely understand you, but please remember, it's the internet. The magical place where everyone is a homosexual male, according to outside sources, but apperently still slept with my mother, multiple times. You can't change this, not even by setting a better example, some things are just not possible. All we can do is trolling the trolls, leading to a trollception.

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We're not intellectuals and they aren't dumb. In fact there is no we and they. We are actually all equal, but people forget that simple thing. That we're not all hate robots and that cause and effect, the domino effect, are bigger influences than we imagine.

I explained what i meant.But i suppose i am a lot harsher than you are.

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I completely understand you, but please remember, it's the internet. The magical place where everyone is a homosexual male, according to outside sources, but apperently still slept with my mother, multiple times. You can't change this, not even by setting a better example, some things are just not possible. All we can do is trolling the trolls, leading to a trollception.

Even if it isn't entirely possible i will simply continue as such til the day i die off the internet.It is a slly hope that others will be civil on a large scale but i hope for it anyway.

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Don't be a dick, the forums are not in the middle of an apocalypse, it's a public place, with public setting that should require you to act properly, like acting in the real public. The mods need to start demanding more mature, concise, and higher quality posts. Take a look over at The Escapist, or Extra Credits forums. Those go relatively grief free AND manage to get stuff accomplished (especially over at Extra Credits).

Also, this fear of censorship? Mods are a good thing, they keep the government off our backs. How would you like it if, the next time the internet was attacked by corporations, they use the idea that the internet is too uncivilized to go unmoderated? How would you then feel if they quoted your post as a prime example? Those days are coming, it's only a matter of time.

http://youtu.be/2fXqydQOz2o?t=14m17s I skipped most of this video because I know most everyone here is the tl;dr type, but just give it the 5 minutes left, it will not be wasted.

Edited by Virfortis

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Even if it isn't entirely possible i will simply continue as such til the day i die off the internet.It is a slly hope that others will be civil on a large scale but i hope for it anyway.

You've got more balls than I do in this aspect, I have to admit that. ^^

Don't be a dick, the forums are not in the middle of an apocalypse, it's a public place, with public setting that should require you to act properly, like acting in the real public. The mods need to start demanding more mature, concise, and higher quality posts. Take a look over at The Escapist, or Extra Credits forums. Those go relatively grief free AND manage to get stuff accomplished (especially over at Extra Credits).

Also, this fear of censorship? Mods are a good thing, they keep the government off our backs. How would you like it if, the next time the internet was attacked by corporations, they use the idea that the internet is too uncivilized to go unmoderated? How would you then feel if they quoted your post as a prime example? Those days are coming, it's only a matter of time.

http://youtu.be/2fXqydQOz2o?t=14m12s I skipped most of this video because I know most everyone here is the tl;dr type, but just give it the 5 minutes left, it will not be wasted.

I'm worried about corporations or the government influencing the internet too, but that goes a little bit far. I don't think the lack of mods in message boards would encourage anybody to regulate the internet.

And one does not simply skip over Bob Chipman.

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Most of the bashing is happening in the sludge posts such as "Why DayZ sucks", "Remove this", "Nerf this", "This is too hard", "I'm done with this" .

And honestly, what can you possibly contribute to a thread like that, other than to have some fun at the expense of the original poster?

Or you can ignore it. Because you'll get used to seeing the same messages repeated a lot (especially if you are a mod or admin). When a lot of people share the same views it can be seen a consensus or maybe at the extreme end, a religion or cult. I would never flame a person for their views, however strongly they were worded and however many times I've heard it.

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Or you can ignore it. Because you'll get used to seeing the same messages repeated a lot (especially if you are a mod or admin). When a lot of people share the same views it can be seen a consensus or maybe at the extreme end, a religion or cult. I would never flame a person for their views, however strongly they were worded and however many times I've heard it.

Exactly and if you ignore it, it will get buried in other topics.

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Or you can ignore it. Because you'll get used to seeing the same messages repeated a lot (especially if you are a mod or admin). When a lot of people share the same views it can be seen a consensus or maybe at the extreme end, a religion or cult. I would never flame a person for their views, however strongly they were worded and however many times I've heard it.

Its not about strong language, or repetition. Its the lack of content in those posts. Its the self stroking and whining. Its the negativity that THEY bring to the forum, that is being fired back at them. Yes, some people do not find this Mod entertaining. Some find it frustrating. Some find the learning curve too harsh and steep.

I understand that.

However if your mindless "opinion" has been posted, and re-posted, and then re-posted multiple times before, then there is just nothing else to add to the conversation other than some poo thrown your way, just to make you shut up. And if that offends you, well good, because the original post has offended me in the first place.

Being civil has its time and place, but there is time and place for crudeness as well.

I don't think this community needs to pamper and wipe snot of every troll that comes this way. If you state your "opinion", be prepared to back it up.

Its ok to not like something, hell I hate a lot of things about this game. However if you decide to share that with us, then please have something constructive to add, so that might spark something with the developers. Otherwise you are just masturbating to your own problems.

Most of the posts you are defending, are farts that those people were saving up, just to share them with us, here on these forums. Well thank you very much, but no thank you.

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being a pussy dont make you smart or an intellectual

btw ppl talk like this generally in australia so you'd be fucked down under

stop trying to impose a PG13 on us and get over it. its just fucking words. there, fuck.

you see, it starts with shit like that - words. bad words. once one thing is okay the context of censorship, things only gather pace. you should know this by looking at the brave new world around you

anyway, good news is that there are mods but they seemingly believe in total free speech. yet another unique thing about dayz

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All language is just hot air, especially if its political, (hehe) but why demand that anyone has to justify or explain their opinion? It isn't really an opinion any more. More like an argument.

People with a strong belief in something, even if something 'sucks', is still a belief that doesn't need to be justified. It satisfied them and they obviously don't want to add anything to it.

Edited by disorder

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I'll take assholes over idiots any day, sorry.

If you say something stupid, you deserve what you get.

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All language is just hot air, especially if its political, (hehe) but why demand that anyone has to justify or explain their opinion? It isn't really an opinion any more. More like an argument.

People with a strong belief in something, even if something 'sucks', is still a belief that doesn't need to be justified. It satisfied them and they obviously don't want to add anything to it.

Ok, fair enough. However in this case, if their beliefs are justified simply on a premise of free speech, and do not have to have any context behind them, then any response and reaction to them, especially a negative one, is justified just as much.

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I would like to point at the IC forum as a experimental moderation strategy. There are no outlined forum rules, but a no-warnings tendancy. We've got loads of discussions and people shoot down new members (who refuse to use search functions, etc) harshly, but they do it without flame or insults.

Of course this DOES reduce the number of active people in a forum. But it reeeeeally sorts out those you want to have in a forum and those you don't.

(Seriously, the only issue we have, right now, are spambots :/)

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I think I gave out more beans in this thread than anything else in a while. Congrats to everyone fighting about intelligence on an online forum.

EDIT: ESPECIALLY the people asking to elevate the discourse and then immediately name-calling the trolls.

Edited by Udak

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