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I need a tent, Impossible to find one = Trade ?

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Happy to give you one in exchange for your good will and a heads up if you find an SVD Camo or Rocket launcher later down the line ^_^.

If you swing by DE 188 and give us a shout we'll hook you up =p.

(We are GMT so usually online about 7PM onwards GMT which is EST -8)

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I'll trade one for an M-14 AIM

A Tent for an M-14 AIM ? I only got two and those were recovered off me by killing elecktro snipers. I've only seen them one other time in a total off like 200Hours + There is no way thats a fair deal, on top the ammo for the gun is impossible to find too I saved everything I found which is only 13 Magz for the gun. I need to get some night vision goggles before I use that gun, and only at night time. That gun is like my baby lol

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I'll Trade an AK-47 right now with 8 mags full, I'll hold onto it if anything but that means I can shoot or kill

Edited by OddGamer

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I had a tent but just got killed by a hacker ;(

I just had a Coyote backpack with and M4A1 CCO, M24 4 Mags and on me I had was M16M203 with 6 Stang Clips which is no big deal & I was about to get 8 Steaks from a Cow... All gone because of a hacker. Second Time I ever saw a M24, and That would've been my Fifth CCO if I retrieved it back to my camp

Edited by OddGamer
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Tents are pretty easy to find, if you're brave. Hit up the Cherno apartment complexes. They're positively littered with good stuff.

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My base got destroyed by a server restart, can anyone spare me a tent :/. I'll owe you a favor.

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Tents are pretty easy to find, if you're brave. Hit up the Cherno apartment complexes. They're positively littered with good stuff.

Thats the thing, I have a couple of main Servers, The two that I have my bases with, but other then that i've been server hoping and like I've been finding USELESS tents all over the place, and like no wonder why i can't find any its because idiots plant them it the dumbest spots ever and they dont use them at all

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