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Why does it take forever to load and get ingame?

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Okay the game is completely up to date but it will sometimes take 10+ minutes to get into a near empty server, quite frustrating, have a decent machine to i5 2500k etc etc. Any ideas?

Oh another thing, sometimes I will get endless loading screen.

Edited by Hitback

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If you get it endless, you need to update BattleEye!

There is no fix for the long loading but the next patch will optimize it

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I'm not sure, it could be the servers you are trying to connect to though, for instance most Australian players I know do not play on AU servers because the loading takes forever compared to US servers, there is also no noticeable difference in terms of lag in-game.

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I have been playing this game since it first came out and I have never seen a loading screen that took 10+ mins.

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... I experience a similar problem for a few days now.

The "Loading"-message really lasts very long now, especially after having to start a new live, but also when logging into an existing live.

But it wasn't near that length a week ago... that is the only thing that makes getting shot so annoying.

Edited by @ndreas

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