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Congratulations Community, You have become scum.

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Majority of the people in-game using Thunderdome, Invisiblity, Invincibility, Mass death etc aren't hackers

They are script kiddies, the people who leech off others work, either by obtaining a leaked version or paying $15 from their parents credit card.

Don't lump hackers into the same group.

I respect hackers, it takes a large amount of knowledge to crack open a process and know what to look for, then know what to change and code so you can do things you aren't meant to do.

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LoL you do realize there aren't "holes" for hackers to find in this game but OPEN FLOOD GATES.

There's about 5 public methods at the moment.

So if BattlEye patched these methods, there would be a ban wave. Hopefully we see it soon.

There was one 4 days ago.

Its the private hacks that will never be found that are the intelligent hackers.

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given that the standalone game is going to use a different engine

What? Where exactly did you come across information that the standalone uses another engine?

Rocket said last night in an interview a standalone would be on the Arma 3 engine. And even that is just -hopeful - speculation on his part. BIS would have to want to do it, to begin with.

There is no other engine like it. Standalone (more likely a beta mod) will be on the Arma 3 engine, or it won't exist. So I am not sure where you are getting this from.

Dayz is a mod for Arma 2. Everything you see in game is from Arma 2. Dayz is fan made mod. Hello

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What? Where exactly did you come across information that the standalone uses another engine?

Rocket said last night in an interview a standalone would be on the Arma 3 engine. And even that is just -hopeful - speculation on his part. BIS would have to want to do it, to begin with.

There is no other engine like it. Standalone (more likely a beta mod) will be on the Arma 3 engine, or it won't exist. So I am not sure where you are getting this from.

Dayz is a mod for Arma 2. Everything you see in game is from Arma 2. Dayz is fan made mod. Hello


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Also the majority of these "Hackers" just pay $15 with their mommies credit cards that know how to click on a program and run it *and download it*

Rofl its not that easy.

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Seeing as I'm an individual in this community, i would like to say that i am offended. I don't like being called scum. Next time please take note that there is a difference between the general community and the hackers.

The ''general community'' is even worse than the hacking community.

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There's too many of these threads, seriously. It's like people make yet ANOTHER thread about hackers or how stupid the game is about every 5 minutes. It's not like it's helping anything. Some of the threads are little kids whining, some are people who understand, others try to be philosophic like this one. Just saying.

But then again, yes there are many hackers, and no there's fairly little you can do with it. Just live with it, or wait it out. Threads like this FEED the hackers, literally, they love to see these threads and they will only continue. "Don't feed the troll." you know?

My name is also Jordy O.O

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Majority of the people in-game using Thunderdome, Invisiblity, Invincibility, Mass death etc aren't hackers

They are script kiddies, the people who leech off others work, either by obtaining a leaked version or paying $15 from their parents credit card.

Don't lump hackers into the same group.

I respect hackers, it takes a large amount of knowledge to crack open a process and know what to look for, then know what to change and code so you can do things you aren't meant to do.

At this point I agree it is impressive how hackers do what they do. Nor do I support it though. But these script kiddies. Fuck kids. I know I was once a kid. But I actually tried at stuff. These kids... lets just say there so annoying we need some sort of genocide. Kiddie Genocide -.-

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Another day, another thread, another one of my posts saying I've never seen a hacker...

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One: Agreed, community is shit. Why? I've posted this video dozens of times, but here goes.

Two: I'm taking that picture and using it every time I'm replying to an idiot. Thank you.

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One: Agreed, community is shit. Why? I've posted this video dozens of times, but here goes.

Two: I'm taking that picture and using it every time I'm replying to an idiot. Thank you.

the video needs to be pinned to the top of the page,maybe then people will get it. you sir get my beans.

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the video needs to be pinned to the top of the page,maybe then people will get it. you sir get my beans.

Mods make it possible, you just have to find them. I have a number of videos that just need to go up there to be seen by all.

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Every day there are threads about how many hackers there are. I've had this mod for 2 months, played every single day, and have only run into 1 obvious one.

Am I doing something wrong?

Edited by StoDaDio

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I don't see how everyone is getting tormented by hackers constantly, do you people play on near full servers all the time?

I stick to low-medium population servers, and I've only been the victim of a hack once, and I didn't even die.

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They are not playing DayZ they are just trolling the mod, not interested in the game at all or the challenge and even if they were I doubt they could play for more then 2 minutes without cheating, they have no gaming skills. You gotta feel sorry for them because they need crutches like retarded children.

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I don't see how everyone is getting tormented by hackers constantly, do you people play on near full servers all the time?

I stick to low-medium population servers, and I've only been the victim of a hack once, and I didn't even die.

Why should they NOT play on full servers? So what if they hack, they have no gaming skills anyway so I'm not worried if I lose gear to hackers. I can find it again and for me the pull of the game is not the gear but playing with a team. If we get killed oh well, just start over and get even better stuff. Hackers are a problem but they don't hurt us at all, they hurt the mod and Rocket has to spend time patching hacks instead of making a kick ass game.....

Edited by vukster

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These threads have stopped people on other forums I visit from buying Arma2. So if anything I would say these topics help something and don't HURT anything.

If you are going to comment on posts not being started in the right place, its a little like complaining about bandits in the game. DayZ is the wrong forum for you. Moderation of the forums is more rare than Mountain Dew.

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The subject of this thread is not a valid descrption of the community as a whole.

The only REAL downside to hackers is it may give rocket skewed data to use while developing his standalone game.

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Moderation of the forums is more rare than Mountain Dew.

Idiots have strength in numbers. We have strength in warning and ban hammers.

Light 'em up with a report tag and we'll take 'em out.

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy
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Idiots have strength in numbers. We have strength in warning and ban hammers.

Light 'em up with a report tag and we'll take 'em out.

made me giggle like a little girl :)

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I don't see how everyone is getting tormented by hackers constantly, do you people play on near full servers all the time?

I stick to low-medium population servers, and I've only been the victim of a hack once, and I didn't even die.

You have to understand its a minority of the players, a very small minority, on numerous accounts in some cases, who are doing this. They themselves are undoubtedly hacking now too. They want to feel important, conning themselves that they are breaking this trend and will redirect the herd. problem is, there is no herd here except for ppl like them.

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