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What a h**king joke...

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Are you in firing range of the coast, or can you not see land at all. I am sure someone can either help you out or shoot you to end your misery.

Put a server name and time you are on, believe it or not, there are people that will try and help you.

I held the W key down for about 30 minutes yesterday to see if I could get closer to the coast. All I could make out was a faint shadow of it. After 30 minutes though it didn't seem to get any closer really so I just gave up.

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You were just insanely unlucky. Also, leave it running, you'll die from hunger or thirst before long. At least if you're moving.

Edited by jovial

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just leave it running

How often does this bullshit happen though? This happened to me within 5 minutes of playing this game for the first time... 5 FUCKING MINUTES!

So I'll leave it running for the whole day until I die... and then is this going to happen again in a few hours or even a day or two? Like wtf seriously

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I just spend $30 to play this game after hearing all the praises about it, and within 5 minutes this is what happens... wtf seriously?

I'm going to send a message to steam and see if I can get a refund, this is a fucking disaster. What's the point of playing this game? The same hacker can just server hop and use his stupid hack again and again and again... and every time I have to wait in the water for at least 30 min or more to die? This is a fucking joke

You paid for Arma2. Your complaint is with an ALPHA STATUS MODIFICATION TO ARMA2. You will not receive a refund for Arma2. I however, will personally refund you for DayZ.

*writes out a check for $0.00* There you go sir. Full refund for DayZ. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Enjoy your shiny new copy of Arma2.

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How often does this bullshit happen though? This happened to me within 5 minutes of playing this game for the first time... 5 FUCKING MINUTES!

So I'll leave it running for the whole day until I die... and then is this going to happen again in a few hours or even a day or two? Like wtf seriously

Never happened to me, only seen hackers (or evidence of) twice.

Seriously though, having such an utter meltdown over it is pretty childish.

Edited by Dankine

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Never happened to me, only seen hackers (or evidence of) twice.

Seriously though, having such an utter meltdown over it is pretty childish.

Remember.. this guy feels he deserves a refund for a game he purchased... because an alpha mod for said game is currently fucked beyond recognition.

Entitlement generation at work. Of course he's going to flip his shit. These kids can't get their heads around anything besides "SHINY, MINE, NOW"

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Seriously though, having such an utter meltdown over it is pretty childish.

Never happened to me


Edited by SpeedyBanana

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How often does this bullshit happen though? This happened to me within 5 minutes of playing this game for the first time... 5 FUCKING MINUTES!

So I'll leave it running for the whole day until I die... and then is this going to happen again in a few hours or even a day or two? Like wtf seriously

I've played for 3 weeks now. I've been teleported by a hacker once, which I just aborted off the server and logged back in where I was before the teleport. Seen evidence of them only one other time outside of that where he teleported into our camp and started launching m203 grenades everywhere. He killed no one, but did blow up vehicles.

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After spending the entire day and most of my bandwidth downloading 17 GB of Arma 2 off of Steam... I install this mod, all excited to play.

5 minutes in... seriously... 5 minnutes of playing this game... me and everyone on a 50 man server get teleported to the ocean by a hacker.

I tried joining other servers... no use... I'm still in the ocean. I can't kill myself... I can't swim back cause land doesn't seem to get any closer.


Yeah too bad, but you few suggestion how to die out there. Still, very bad luck and I understand your anger.

so basically every time some fucking goof kid with a hack decides to come in on a server and teleport people to the ocean... I have to leave my game on for half an hour until my character dies so I can start back up again...

How often does this shit happen? I don't see the point of this mod if this shit is going to happen again and again.

Is there a server I can play on that's more secure or something?

Nope, hackers are around and really there is no way to be 100% safe from them.

Remember, this (anti-)game is no where near to be released and the engine is so open, so the hackers can easily develop their tools for the trade

It's frustrating, but the game itself is so fun and addictive that the game balances itself out even though all the challenges, hackers and bugs are around.

welcome to DayZ!

Well, could be a bit nicer. It's a harsh landing for a challenging game.

I just spend $30 to play this game after hearing all the praises about it, and within 5 minutes this is what happens... wtf seriously?

I'm going to send a message to steam and see if I can get a refund, this is a fucking disaster. What's the point of playing this game? The same hacker can just server hop and use his stupid hack again and again and again... and every time I have to wait in the water for at least 30 min or more to die? This is a fucking joke

You did use that money for ARMA2+expansion, you can't claim you used them for DayZ.

No way, this mod is on it's alpha phase. It is still, very unfortunate that there is hackers.

You will not get refund from steam, that is stupid even to think about :) Since you can't claim that the game is broken when ARMA2 itself works great.

And the game is worth of the praises. Just calm down and move on.

I have died on the hackers few times and every time, it has been very frustrating.

Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....

Still, unlucky and unfortunate. Too bad there is no options for this except just to wait until you die or try to find land by random direction. You might as swim to some direction and to hope that you find ground or go out of bounds.

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You ask me how often it happens, all I can give you is my experience. Then you attempt to bash me for it.


Edited by Dankine

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I've played for 3 weeks now. I've been teleported by a hacker once, which I just aborted off the server and logged back in where I was before the teleport. Seen evidence of them only one other time outside of that where he teleported into our camp and started launching m203 grenades everywhere. He killed no one, but did blow up vehicles.

How do you abort? Do you alt+f4 or do you close the game in the task manager? I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do to avoid this situation in the future

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On a side note, please do check out the campaign(s) for Arma2 and the expansions - they're great fun and provide invaluable experience that can translate over to DayZ.

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i have been playing for more then 3 weeks and have never encountered a hacker but i really want to go to the "thunder dome" all my friends got in it but me :(

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How do you abort? Do you alt+f4 or do you close the game in the task manager? I'm trying to figure out if there's anything I can do to avoid this situation in the future

I've avoided being exposed to cheating/hacking for about a week now. My method is 100% foolproof, and has resulted in hour upon hour of enjoyable gameplay.

My solution? Stop playing DayZ until something effective is done to curb the problem. My solution was made easier to enforce by going on vacation and having only a TC1100 to play with, 1990's games ftw.

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You were very unlucky.

Don't give up.

I understand why you are angry, keep your language down please

Oh look, a little nazi moderator. Getting off on bossing people around, eh? Well F U C K YOU.

Let's see how many noughty boy points I get for this one. Maybe even all three? Oh dear.

Moderator Notice: User was suspended for this post.

Edited by Legacy

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Do you have any solution for me either than spending 12 hours in the game, periodically moving the mouse so I don't disconnect for being afk, until I die of thirst / starvation? .... and then hope some hack tard doesn't just do this again with the push of a button?

You're a goof, and you'll be making one of these posts too when this happens to you.

As i said before I don't play on those type of servers and if it did happen to me my buddies would come pick me up on their boat.

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Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....

dude stop getting so worked up about it you were just very unlucky it doesnt happen very often at all, you are either extremely over reacting , or just trying to generate negative reputation like an idiot troll.

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Bad luck. I'm playing the game 2 weeks now and haven't seen a single hacker.

I'm not saying they don't exist! I'm just saying that you have bad luck

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What was the word you used asterisks to hide? I didn't know hacking was a swear word. Or are you just trying to be loud and flamboyant because no one can hear your screams out in the ocean? lolz

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Yeah... my kind... someone who spend $30, about 12 hours and most of his monthly bandwidth to try a game, only to be fucked over after 5 minutes of playing and now has to sit afk with the game running until the char dies and can respawn.

Yeah I'm such a menace to this community....


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During a recent interview with Machinima, Rocket witnessed a Thunderdome occur and said that he's seriously considering private servers and private hives. So something is now being done about this.


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Fact: I've played this mod for over 100 hours and never seen a hacker. I don't know if I'm just lucky or they don't hack that much on german servers.

Get over it and try again.

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