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Completely unable to die []

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What happened:

I got mobbed by zombies several times, instantly breaking my legs and taking me down into the negative ten thousands in blood, and I was able to get back up and run away. Since then, I have been completely unable to die and respawn with all my gear intact.

Where you were:

Road north from Chernogorsk / Elektrozavodsk

What you were doing:

Heading to Stary and ran through a town, got mobbed.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on:

RU51/Virginia 10

*Your system specs:

N/A I believe.

*Timeline of events before/after error:

First, I ran through a town and got mobbed by at least 30 zombies in Nadez, broke my legs and "passed out," somehow was able to get back up and crawl away, fix my legs, since then every zombie has perceived me as dead. First time it happened, only players could kill me. Second time, a bandit came up and shot me repeatedly point blank in the face (at which point I turned around and shot him). I don't think I should continue playing with such a massively unfair advantage.

My friend informed me that I should include my username so I don't get banned, my character name has been Spitlyra each time it happened.

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I had this happen, though I thought I got really lucky and it just didn't count as dead. I went to -350 blood, but was still running around fine. I tried to heal myself, but every time I went back to -5 blood. I later realized I was bleeding, so I stopped that and was able to heal up to about 1k blood with food. I then got gang raped by zombies and went down to like -5k. I logged out of the server (broken bones and shit, and I was pretty sure I was bugged and should have been dead), and when I reconnected I was back before I ever got low health in the first place.

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Yeah this happened to me yesterday went to -49000 blood with 15 zombies or so eating me as i crawl away. 2 bandits tried to kill me but i could only crawl until i climbed up a ladder to which i suprisingly could get up and run. I submitted a bug report yesterday, not sure if its been aprroved.

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This has been happening to me too. Died by fall damage and legitimately died, respawned and later got shot in the face by some jerk (note: did not get game over screen, the game just looked at my body). Logged out and back in to respawn but it just put me back where I was, heavily wounded but still alive. Then I got killed by a different bandit, this time I got the game over screen. Logged out and tried to respawn, got the 3 minute penalty for some reason then the game over screen straight away. THEN I finally died for real.

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Something similar happened to me.

I got shot by a bandit, and then he shot me another couple times for good measure. I spent a good five minutes on the ground giving details to my group over VoiP - I had forgotten that you're supposed to get a "You Are Dead" screen, so I figured I was just in that period when the game was waiting for me to manually respawn. By the time I logged out, my blood read at least -4000.

Seeing how I thought I was dead, I decided to log for the evening. When I came back, I was in the same location with the hourglass indicator, Shock and Broken Bones. I was bleeding and completely clueless as to what had happened. I was now at positive health, but bleeding out. My team was logged in nearby, so they bandaged me, pilled me and eventually I was up and running again. I've yet to be damaged again sufficiently to show if I am deathproof or not, but I was able to aggro a Zed.

Hope this little extra helps.

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This happened to me once today. I just assumed I was Jesus XD

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This happened to me when jumped by 2 players.

My legs broke early on in the fight (this seems to be a common theme here) and immediately jumped to -5k~ blood, completely unable to die.

Not long after, a few players started complaining of the server I was connected to not saving progress. This may be related as I was not the only one on the server incapable of death.

Others who have had this happen to you: were you able to save when logging into another server?

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Same. Was not the only one on the server incapable of death either. Got shot once, went unconscious. Got shot another time, got the "You are dead" screen. Abort->tried to respawn again. And respawn I did, but at the same spot where I died, with all my gear and full blood. A buddy of mine died a few minutes later, went to -7000 blood, respawned... not where he died, but where /I/ died earlier. Full blood but he was unconscious for a while. Also had all his gear.

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I had the same bug. I grouped up with someone else and went to the hospital in Cherno, but we ran out of ammo and I got swarmed by zombies. I was losing blood quickly, until I eventually reached -800 or so. There wasn't anything wrong with my character's vision, only broken bones from the zombies.

Later, someone shot me a few times with the Makarov, bringing my blood down to around -34000, but I was still completely fine (still had to take morphine though)


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Yup, same thing happened to me. Bandit shot the crap out of me, I went to -8k, and just stood there. He shot me more and more, I went to -64k and couldn't move or check my gear. Finally got tired of him and unloaded a Makarov in his face, poor guy. We'll see if it goes away.

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I also became invincible yesterday.

Im pretty sure its directly related to the age of our character, meaning, I survive for a very long time, meanwhile there were tons of patches, when I entually got shot, I dropped to -19000 blood. I then pressed the respawn buton to destroy my character because it is very unfair and I hate cheats/abuses.

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First of all, kudos to all of you for your honesty, a lot of players wouldn't amid that sort of an advantage. Maybe that's the point in the game where you trade in a gun for a sword, and can only die when your head is taken? :)

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