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full whiskey bottles?

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Wouldn't that be fun? Your vision would get blurry, then you could go driving. It really wouldn't help your character, but i guess when you're bored in Dayz you could get your drink on and try to shoot zeds with drunk-o-vision

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Damn phone

Edited by moofactory

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maybe it could help against the effects of low bodyheat

You know, I used to love those cartoons too.

With the big shaggy dog and a keg on his collar. Saving people out in the snow....

But u know something, I think it would just drop ur core temp and ud die.

Then the dog would just eat ur corpse.

Not before humping ur leg.

Just sayin

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Wouldn't that be fun? Your vision would get blurry, then you could go driving.

I hope, you're not living near my place?


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Survivor 1: Hey lets go hit up the town get some zombie chicks, maybe a burger an AAGH AAAGH AAAAAGH

Survivor 2: who's got the next round anyway?

Survivor 3: BURP!

Shit Agro!

Edited by disorder

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drinking whiskey would lower your body temperature even faster.

normally when your body is too cold, you start to shake. these are muscle spasmes to generate heat.

your body also narrows blood vains to your limbs thereby making it easier to raise the core temp of your body.

drinking alcohol opens up the vains letting colder blood from your limbs to your core, hearth lungs and brain. this will let you go in hypothermia and without help from other players you will die.

cool idea tho ;)

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