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Ultimate Ammo box find

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Hey guys, first time poster, please move if in wrong spot.

I recently found this insane ammo box that had 20 of every single gun, all ammo, basically every single drop that can spawn was in this box. Watch the video below to see. It was the strangest thing ever. Not sure if this was a hackers box or what but as soon as I loaded up on everything I could need I ran back to my tent and started unloading. All of a sudden a sniper took a silenced shot at me and killed me.

I Never saw him ever but he obviously followed me for fun and got me. I spent the next 2 hours running non stop back to my body and he left every thing so I took my shit and ran lol.

What do you guys think? Hacker or just lucky?

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Grats you found hacked in gear.


Edited by zuk

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You will never find legit ammo boxes like that in DayZ. You might run into the smaller ones with only certain types of ammo but never that much at once.

Edited by Risen

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haha some cheater forgot to remove it, i think the server admin should be able to know who spawned that and report it.

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you should let the dev team know what server so action can be taken.... I would be pissed if i found out I died from someone who cheated his way through the game.

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I figured it was a hacker but I am fairly new to the game so didn't know if it was random spawn or what. Obviously the hacker was expecting someone and got me for it. It did take all the fun out for the 3 minutes I had the gear until he got me but I did manage to find my body and get all my original gear back. Honestly I thought I just hit the jackpot, I was looking for an ATV and thats what I found. He didnt even try to hide it lol.

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i found one too today but it dont have all the weapons just some of the military ones like 50 cal sniper dmr m4 dot silence and so on. ammo satchel all the gadgets like night vision gps... does that still meens its been hacked even tho it dont have everything?

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Love it.

Next ammo box I see I'm satchel charging that biatch.

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Ah shit I just found one of these, I should have known.

Well tbh I lost my M4A1 CCO SD to a bug so i'm not above taking one out the crate to replace it.

Other than a few mags, some food and water there wasn't really anything I needed from it, and it was the ingame browser that I joined with and I don't think it has a history (as far as I know) so I don't think I could report it.

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