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Southern Mafaka


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So whats this talk about hacking i havnt seen any hacks and i play almost all day am i just "lucky" or are most stories a lie?

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Bad luck people get killed by hackers, there aren't that much out there but with so much people playing the game it looks like there are too many hackreports

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ive seen 3 in 3 days now. just some kid who can teleport and has an aimbot.

my cousin got teleported around a few times on seperate servers like a week ago

and like 3 weeks ago my friend got fully geared out + a thermal AS50 from a hacker

havent seen the thunderdome yet :( hope one day i can

Edited by Buffjesus

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Bad luck people get killed by hackers, there aren't that much out there but with so much people playing the game it looks like there are too many hackreports

The number of hackers has actually gone up since a select few ( now banned from the forums ) posted the actual links to the hack website...

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Sick of em, sick to death of em. I'm sad to say it, but if things don't change I'll probably jump ship to War Z as soon as it's out as opposed to this rapidly sinking one.

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I'm seeing more and more hackers every day. Its almost 95% of people you see with a ghillie suit. They spawns boxes of guns/ammo/supplies, and what ever vehicle they want.

Sadly their blowing up major building in all major cities, killing new spawns on sight.

Hacking and killing unarmed is the game for them.

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any server with 20+ people there will be 1 or 2 hackers it seems at least in my experience was just killed by a hacker in Zeleno like 10 mins ago on US 376. I am usually killed by a hacker if I play on a server more then hour your lucky i'm not. Most of the people I usually play with have been unlucky too and have quit playing because it's pointless to play for them.

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