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Southern Mafaka

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About Southern Mafaka

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. idk but I just visited the apartments in cherno next to the hospital and found 3 gillies and a camo clothing is this normal?
  2. Would you like to see more content or less glitches? I don't really know if this is a re post but if it is then lets have an update. B)
  3. Southern Mafaka


    So whats this talk about hacking i havnt seen any hacks and i play almost all day am i just "lucky" or are most stories a lie?
  4. There is a standalone comming out?... talking about this http://www.thewarz.com/index.html? looking forward to this but if dayz becomes standalone i would way rather pay them then those copy cats at hammerpoint.
  5. Southern Mafaka

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    No, i kinda regret buying it. i should have waited for the warz to come out or just for dayz to come out of beta or alpha to many bugs but if u got people to play with then yeah its worth it.
  6. Southern Mafaka

    Wishing for a hacker...

    Thats what it feels like.
  7. Southern Mafaka

    Wishing for a hacker...

    am i the only one who wishes for a hacker to kill me when i spawn a million milles from civilization and have to play 3 hours of pointless walking just to kill myself by zombies so i can spawn hoping for a spawn near anything?