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High resolution player models

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Some weeks ago I read that you can get high resolution player models if you buy the "Private Military Company" DLC. I like the idea of having better looking player models, but before I buy the DLC just for some models, I want to know how exactly they'll look like.

So I searched google and youtube but I didn't found a single link, picture or video where I could compare the vanilla models and the new high res models.

So my question is: do you know where I can find pictures to compare the models?

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any screen caps from the pmc dlc but keep in mind thats only for the defualt skin, once you get camo or gully suit it goes back to looking crap again unless you have brtish armed forces

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The detail is significantly higher. I shelled out the extra cash for both BAF and PMC. This not only affects player models in civilian clothing, but much like the above picture, it makes the ghillie suit and camouflage clothing high resolution, too. In addition to this, it makes certain weapons have a higher resolution, too. This includes the BAF AS50 and certain other guns. ^_^

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