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[TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

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Like the title says, this bunch of pussies combat logged.

They trashed one of our camps and tried to ambush us with their Ghillie suits on when we came back but can't aim for shit, all three of them combat logged when they got shot but one of them Al Capone was too slow exiting the game :P.

Edited by Longs

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It was dark, neither of us had nvgs just one FAL with a nightvision scope and I was too busy shooting to take pictures lol. My friend was recording on fraps earlier he might have recorded the fire fight, I dunno lol.

What happened was we came back to the camp and found one tent flattened and the uaz wreaked :(. At that point we started getting shot at so we ran in opposite directions and went prone, my friend had the FAL spotted 3 people in ghillie suits. I had a Lee Enfield so I moved round on their flank making lots on noise and drawing their fire so my buddy could take them out which he did and they logged.

Edited by Longs

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Engaging first and THEN combat logging. That is pretty bad :( .

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  On 8/2/2012 at 10:17 PM, Afgoo said:

Engaging first and THEN combat logging. That is pretty bad :( .

We should have been toast tbh.

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ALT-F4 should be instant death WITH your body left behind. Clans should be cleansed from the face of the game and you should be 21+ (verified) to play the game. This would eliminate 99.99% of the issues with the mod.

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  On 8/2/2012 at 10:42 PM, Hydrocodone said:

ALT-F4 should be instant death WITH your body left behind. Clans should be cleansed from the face of the game and you should be 21+ (verified) to play the game. This would eliminate 99.99% of the issues with the mod.

You are clearly retard, it is not only little kids who cause problems. Adults do these things as well. There is not an age limit on trolling, and abuse.

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I hate it when people do this, apparently it's fair when you are on the right side, but when you are on the wrong side of the barrel it stopped being fair. I constantly get so close to killing a clan of 3 or 4 on my own, and they decide to quit because one of there buddies got shot. I sucked it up like a man, I got a DMR a coyote back pack, right behind the tower of balota, if you want a piece of me come find me, I am not scared of death anymore, I will start over when ever.

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Just an update, I found the body of Al Capone, the one that was too slow trying to quit. He had it all lol

Weps: M4A3 CCO, M14 AIM, M9 SD and grenades

Uniform: Ghillie Suit

Tools: Hunting Knife, Matches, GPS, Compass, Watch, Hatchet, Toolbox, Entrenching Tool and Flashlight

Optics: Rangefinder and NVG

Bag: Coyote Backback

Misc: Lots of food and meds

If his two douchebag buddies were kitted out like this there is no way they should have failed to take me and my friend out especially as neither of us had NVG only an NVG scoped weapon.

Edited by Longs

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  On 8/2/2012 at 11:26 PM, bogroll said:

Ghillie suites? Was that 2 or 3 seaters?

Why did I put an E on the end lol

Tbh a Ghillie suite sounds awesome I'd go for one of them 3 seater ones that's L shaped with a poof to put my feet on.

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IMO, don't start nothing if you don't want nothing. They could have easily kill you guys and been big tough clan bosses after wrecking all your stuff, but instead they fucked up after being complete douches and 1 of their buddies got what he deserved.

Great story. Have fun with his gear :)

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Hahahahahahaha, we killed all of you and fucked your camp.

Cry me a fucking river, retard.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 12:13 AM, Longs said:

Tbh a Ghillie suite sounds awesome I'd go for one of them 3 seater ones that's L shaped with a poof to put my feet on.

You wouldn't be able to see it to sit on it though. Stealth sofa, the future.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 1:52 PM, Al Capone said:

Hahahahahahaha, we killed all of you and fucked your camp.

Cry me a fucking river, retard.

yet you died and Altf4'd. irony much?

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Well, ill be looking to join that clan.

survival of the fittest- in a video game

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ROFL! That's their youtube. Check from 35seconds. This guy says 'If these guys aborted I'm gonna fuckin rage. Fuckin pussies'

Same video from 2:40 'I aborted and came back' says one of their team. LOL. Amazing double standards here...

Edited by ZenBC
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If only they new any sort of small unit tactics >:( They suck at the game, it only looked like two retards shooting into the forest.

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  On 8/2/2012 at 10:42 PM, Hydrocodone said:

ALT-F4 should be instant death WITH your body left behind.

Have fun when hackers nuke the server and you can't ALT+F4 to leave with all your gear.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 3:52 PM, The_Albatros said:

Have fun when hackers nuke the server and you can't ALT+F4 to leave with all your gear.

That's an acceptable trade imo.

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You're just spreading false bullshit about the clan because you never were in one yourself.

Get a grip, retard.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 2:32 PM, Al Capone said:

You're just spreading false bullshit about the clan because you never were in one yourself.

Get a grip, retard.

C/D you guys altf4 to zombies?

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  On 8/7/2012 at 2:32 PM, Al Capone said:

You're just spreading false bullshit about the clan because you never were in one yourself.

Get a grip, retard.

Lol didn't you watch the video I posted above about how alt+f4 ppl were pussies, but you need to D/C to avoid zombies? Lame.

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  On 8/6/2012 at 1:52 PM, Al Capone said:

Hahahahahahaha, we killed all of you and fucked your camp.

Cry me a fucking river, retard.

Ahahaha, you and your faggot buddies with all your sweet gear tried to jump two guys then ran like the cowards you all are when you all failed miserably at the most simple of ambushes.

Better luck next time chump, maybe if your fingers weren't so fat you might have been able to Alt-F4 quicker :D never mind I'll continue to look after the gear I prised out of your cold dead hands pussy :P

Edited by Longs

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