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Broken leg... Now what?

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I got this game 2-3 days ago and Its simply amazing. Probably the best zombie game hands-down. I have a few concerns though. Firstly, I always see people saying other players are the "real" threat, not zombies. In the 3 days i've been playing I have only seen maybe 3-4 people. I only play on servers with a minimal of 30 people. One tried to kill me for my shotgun, one guy was asking poll questions and then left me be, and another guy I was watching got swarmed by zombies and died. Next is weapons, where do people get any real weapons? The only thing I have found has been axe, crowbar, pistol, and once a double barrel shotgun. But I have been just dying and dying to get the feel for the game. I started playing for real today, I got a hold of basic stuff to cook food, bandages, drink, food, etc. I haven't died all day. But a zombie hit me and crippled me on the outskirts of a town. So I've been crawling everywhere, zombies don't pay much attention to me. I crawled all the way through the town and checked all the houses but no morphine. I'm deciding to let a zombie kill me or try to crawl somewhere else... I wish it would fix itself after 30 minutes or something, Or I could make a splint or something other than finding a rare item to fix myself.

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which city you in? find a hospital, there is 100% always morphine there. -also for more weapons, just find a map like this http://dayzdb.com/map hit up every deer stand nearby your location. and hit up baracks in NW airfield, and the hangars.

-barns are great for starter weapons, like lee enfields, cz550's winchesters and so on.

Edited by Tatakt

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I think I'm just screwed, I don't have a map so I think it would be impossible to figure out which town i'm in. Its a random small one so I could either spend 3 hours crawling to a city or I could just start over =P

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With the gear you had, you may as well get yourself killed. Then, I would suggest hitting up Berenzino first thing! It's a city way up on the northern coast and is usually vacant.

Make sure you look in the boxes in hospitals. I used to think they were just random objects, lol. They are actually filled to the brim with goodies.

Good luck!

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Yeap. It sucks having to kill your-self because of a broken leg and not having the stuff to fix it or being near enough to anywhere useful. Been there more than a few times. It sucks. Someone should mod the mod to have a "emergency splint" option. Firewood + Bandage = emergency splint good for 30 minutes of standing to get your ass to the nearest hospital.

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Firewood + Bandage = emergency splint good for 30 minutes of standing to get your ass to the nearest hospital.

MY GAWD! Best idea I've ever heard!!! I have both of those things on me so I would be ready to run to the nearest hospital.

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I think I read that in the next patch you can respawn if you have broken legs. Suicide just takes too damn long when you can only crawl.

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I think I'm just screwed, I don't have a map so I think it would be impossible to figure out which town i'm in. Its a random small one so I could either spend 3 hours crawling to a city or I could just start over =P

When you spawn in, look in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. It'll tell you, roughly, where you are.

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Follow the mainroad out of the town and watch out for a sign with the town's name. The name will be in russian so you'll probably need a map like this (http://dayzdb.com/map) to figure out where you are.

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I was just finding my town, when hackers came in and insta-killed everyone -_- I guess that saves me the trouble.

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Make sure you find Morphine asap. Broken leg is the worst experience in this game imo. You have a chance to survive, but you might just bleed out without ever being able to find morphine. Remember not to prone through doorways, there is a bug that will break your legs this way. Always walk through doorways!

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