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To whoever killed me at SW Airfield

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Please do the following 2 steps:

1)Eat shit


Serverhopping scum.....

Been guarding the corpse of my buddy for 20 minutes, suddenly recieve damage from nowhere, random dude spawns in the 2nd floor staircase and empties his AR15 into me before he is even visible for me

Bloody retards can't play the game properly....f'ing great feeling to defend hours worth of gear just to be ended by someone who found an outerspace teleporting device AKA serverhop exploit


My tears are indeed delicious....

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Happened to me at the NW airfieild in the north barracks. Was looting with a friend, we got to the last room along, and as I headed out into the corrider a guy pops out of the room we just searched and unloads an AK into me. Friend steps out to kill him, poof, hes gone.

Pretty annoying, but I hightailed it back there, with my friend guarding my corpse (he killed another server hopper too, thats karma for you) and when I was about 5 mins from getting back, bam, server crash. Luckily my buddy grabbed my M24 and my good loot just in case.

But karma was smiling at me; as our server was still down, we joined another, and in the barracks was a dead guy with all the trimmings.

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There is no 'server-hopping exploit,' he simply logged off in that location at an earlier time. It could have even been on that exact server. It happens.. doesn't mean he's scum, exploiting, or even remotely at fault.

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There is no 'server-hopping exploit' date='' he simply logged off in that location at an earlier time. It could have even been on that exact server. It happens.. doesn't mean he's scum, exploiting, or even remotely at fault.


So he "accidentaly" decided to open fire the second he spawned, where he wasn't even visible to me?

If I spawn I look around myself, trying to get some situational awareness

Considering how fast he injured me after connecting, he knew I was there

I killed 2 players in that tower, 2 players that might give a friend the location and get him to catch me off guard by spawning inside the building

And even if he didn't knew I was there, he could've just disconnected again since he knew he had an ufair advantage over that dude watching the staircase for some reason

Instead he chose to exploit his unfair advantage anyway and kill me

Patethic either way

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And even if he didn't knew I was there' date=' he could've just disconnected again since he knew he had an ufair advantage over that dude watching the staircase for some reason

Instead he chose to exploit his [b']unfair advantage anyway and kill me

Patethic either way

So, let me get this straight, if I spend lets say 3-5 minutes logging into a server so I can play with my friends who are elseware on the map and I had logged at a popular location, if I see someone when I log in I'm supposed to disconnect, wait some random amount of time, THEN spend another 3-5 minutes logging in again (assuming the server had a slot)? All because I might have an unfair advantage?

No thanks buddy, I'm gonna shoot the poor bastard, take his nice things, and go have fun with my friends.

Unfair advantage or not, you take this risk EVERY time you go to a popular area, there is always a chance someone previously logged out there. It's unfortunate but there isn't any way to prevent it, so you need to man up and accept it.

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if I spend lets say 3-5 minutes logging into a server so I can play with my friends who are elseware on the map and I had logged at a popular location, if I see someone when I log in I'm supposed to disconnect, wait some random amount of time, THEN spend another 3-5 minutes logging in again (assuming the server had a slot)? All because I might have an unfair advantage?

3-5 minutes logging in?

You should write up some good servers, every server that I have written up as favourite has a maximum waiting time of about 1 minute

No thanks buddy, I'm gonna shoot the poor bastard, take his nice things, and go have fun with my friends.

This is not about banditry, I'm a bandit myself

But I would never shoot someones back when I spawn behind him, because I don't serverhop like a fucking retard and I log off where I can be sure that noone is going to stay there

The sole act of spawning inside the Air Control Tower shows that this individual was trying to exploit the Hive-shared characters to spawn directly on top of the loot pile

you take this risk EVERY time you go to a popular area

Just no

Every time I got to a populated area I take the risk of getting shot from snipers, dudes with automatic assault rifles, maybe even runners with a Makarov

But I SHOULD NOT have to "keep an eye out" for invisible people that just spawned in my back, killing me before the server even rendered their body properly

This is not Predator: The Open World Survival

Unfair advantage or not

There is no "or not" in this

Using an unfair advantage = exploit

Or should I tell someone who complains about being killed by a cheater:

"Oh you were in a populated area, unfair advantage or not, you should've known that there are cheaters around"

Not really....

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Well let's look at how this could be handled. It could be that if you log out in a major city, you return prone in some randomly determined location around that city.

or you could have just dragged your friend to the woods.

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How you can possibly know that his model was not rendered in game when he killed you while you were facing the opposite direction is beyond me.

It sounds to me like you're just pissed that someone happened to spawn in immediately after you turned your back, and subsequently got the drop on you. I've had the exact same thing happen to me, but I don't consider a system designed around persistence across all servers an exploit.

Shitty luck? Yes.

Exploit? No.

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How you can possibly know that his model was not rendered in game when he killed you while you were facing the opposite direction is beyond me.

He spawned infront of me, I never stated otherwise

The Air Control tower has 3 floors, I was in the staircase between the first and 2nd floor(the little base you might call it, where the stairs change directions) watching the door and the 3rd floor metal stairs at the same time, my back was against the wall

He spawned in the corner of the 2nd floor facing my position

When his character model was rendered I had already recieved the damage needed to kill me, lag did the rest

And EVEN IF he didn't know I was there, he logged into a loot pile, which is already an exploit on his own

Jump into a night server, go to one of the airfield and loot, log off, log in another server, loot again, rinse and repeat

got the drop on you

Getting the drop one someone implies that the individual would've been able to prevent the situation by watching his back

I was shot point blank by a character spawning in my FOV, but I had already recieved the damage before his charactermodel was rendered for me

By the time I had my sights on him I fell on the floor and had the You Are Death screen

Getting killed by someone who is invisible....yeah I could've totally prevented that....stupid me....

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Quit moaning, shit happens. He may not have been server hopping and it wouldn't matter if he was, that's just the nature of it.

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"Dammit, I was killed in a PVP hot-spot...better start a thread!"


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"Dammit' date=' I was killed in a PVP hot-spot...better start a thread!"



More like

"Dammit, I was expecting PvP in a PvP hot-spot and got myself in a defensive position, but was killed by an invisible server hopper that I never even saw"

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A: Prove it was server hopping and not just starting where they saved X number of hours/days/whatever ago.

B: It's the NW AF.

C: You really think you're going to get sympathy here?

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B: It's the NW AF.


C: You really think you're going to get sympathy here?

Nope, and in retrospect it was just to blow off some steam right after getting killed in an unfair manner

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Yesterday I lost my 4 day old character with an MP5SD6, military flashlight, everything except GPS and NVGs, tons of ammo, food, drinks, almost 300 zombie kills, several murders, by FAR my best success with any of my characters..all due to the fact that ANOTHER person was lagging, so on their screen I was stood still. I didn't even hear the shot. I was randomly walking through some forestry and just fell over, for no reason.

My response? Who the fuck cares. Fucking deal with it. Who gives a flying crap about gear being taken from you? The most marvelous part of the game WAS NOT taken from you -- the ability to try and survive whatever situation you may be put in. May it be running from a group of survivors, shots pinging off all around you, or shooting a ton of zombies and praying that no bandits home in on you while you are weakened, running around like a madman with flares at night, who cares? It's the fun of the game.

Today, I met up with a friend who was brand new to the game. We both spawned in Cherno so I decided to run it with him. He agro'd about 30 zombies, and we had to lead them into a building. We were totally overrun with zombies vs. our ammo, and he died. The zombies then surrounded me, and I had no choice but to unload EVERYTHING I had. I survived with 534 blood, and broken legs, in severe pain, racking 24 zombie kills instantly. My clan on TS told me "You might as well just suicide."

Fast forward a few hours. I've hunted down and sniped two survivors with a CZ550. Taken some blood packs they had. Found a clan member in Mogilevka. Had him give me a transfusion. Tons of food, meat, got almost all my stuff except my MP5SD6 back. Even managed to find myself one of the rarest soda in the game - Mountain Dew. I was being told that I was screwed and that I had no chance -- and made a remarkable comeback, on what is now my current character. For me, THIS is DayZ. Not going down without a fight. Enjoying the game no matter what you have. Showing people you aren't one to be fucked with. Learning from your mistakes. Making those epic triumphs against ALL odds.

Who cares what you have, or lose? If it's a glitch and you lose stuff, forget it ever happened! You still get to pwn shit up. I sure did today!

tl;dr BOO FUCKING HOO, don't loot high-traffic zones if you aren't prepared for high traffic risks! :D

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Either way, something needs to be done about server hopping since it is a serious problem for good gameplay.

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I understand where OP is coming from...definitely need to vent after a death from a long life character.

Id open up a public "Venting" sub-forum, if only it wasnt going to cause so much rage

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Thread is now officially redundant

Took me 2 days to get the AK74+5 mags that I lost

Now it took me 2 hours with a buddy to get an M16A4 ACOG with 10 mags

Lmao, talk about luck.....I apologize for the pointless rage, Bates was right all along

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Happened to me at the NW airfieild in the north barracks. Was looting with a friend' date=' we got to the last room along, and as I headed out into the corrider a guy pops out of the room we just searched and unloads an AK into me. Friend steps out to kill him, poof, hes gone.

Pretty annoying, but I hightailed it back there, with my friend guarding my corpse (he killed another server hopper too, thats karma for you) and when I was about 5 mins from getting back, bam, server crash. Luckily my buddy grabbed my M24 and my good loot just in case.

But karma was smiling at me; as our server was still down, we joined another, and in the barracks was a dead guy with all the trimmings.


I had the opposite 2 days ago. I was at the NW airfields south barracks, I had cleared the first room and when I step out into the corridor, I see a survivor out of nowhere staring at me from the last rooms door. When he saw me he quickly went back inside the room and disconnected. At least on the server I play on (FI 3) it's bannable to avoid player encounters like that, but I didn't get his nick so I couldn't do anything about it.

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You say you would never shoot him from behind if you just logged in, however if you then mention that you are behind him he may shoot you. Dog eat dog modification dude, bad luck comes in heaps.

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- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

As such that needs to be stopped, immediately.

At least on the server I play on (FI 3) it's bannable to avoid player encounters like that' date=' but I didn't get his nick so I couldn't do anything about it.


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