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About Holic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Holic

    DayZ Stories

    Connected > Too Dark > go to sleep
  2. blblblblblblblblblblblblblblbl...:D
  3. Hi. So i was trying yesterday the hole day to connect to a freaking server (but no way i did, but i understand why), then today after a few hours i managed to connect to a Blackhole(yes a massive blackhole), its freaking nutts asking players to connect to a game like this and play...do you even think about what problems people can get on their vision after playing a long time, or maybe we wont, or at least i wont because if i want to play blind folded games i go to bed and play them with my wife :P lol...just kidding ( AM I?) PS: And its Crazy because like some people said, i work during day/night, but others only have time at night so, it always be dark for them, wich i say its unfair, like i think the US players will have a better time to play than Europeans. I belive all i said its true and Honest, i bough Arma2 (which a consider a crappy game) just to play this mod, and really i am a little surprised by the overrated reviews people are making of this mod, its not a final mod its only an Alpha, it means the Dev Team can change what is wrong about it, and when i say wrong i mean what everybody complaints about it... Go Dev Team i really hope you get this Mod in the right direction, otherwise the hype will die sooner than we expected.