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Audible distances for Humans

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I've read the dayzdb weapon comparison sheet and it lists audible ranges for weapons that (from my own experiences in-game) aren't accurate. That is, .50cals can be easily heard over 600m away, silenced weaponry certainly can be heard further than .3m, etc. I'm guessing that's the range for pulling aggro on nearby zombies--does anyone have the data for how far away survivors can hear weaponry?

For the sake of simplicity, we'll ignore the sounds of the bullet (I have clearly heard the operation of a 50 that was more than 600m away, not just the round traveling).

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bumped, ya dingus.

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Yeah I've found this too. I thought the site was talking about player range...Hell no I could hear that Makarov from miles away!

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Also with how high the effects slider goes you can sound whore a silenced weapon from around 100m away pretty easy unless it's the MP5SD6. If it is the MP5SD6 then you don't have a whole lot to worry about as you'll either be dead from a HS, or you'll hear the user before he gets into useful range...

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depends how loud your game is, what kind of headphones you are wearing or speakers that you use. And how sensitive your ears are. I'm not sure what the distance is where the game just won't play you the sounds, no matter what.

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I'm also interested in the audible distance of hearing another survivors footsteps whether they're running, crouching or proning.

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