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Do most people just turn up Gamma during night?

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I never do, I believe it's an exploit. I just use flares and chemlights when I play at night. I do tend to pay the price for it however with players, and now since the patch infected investigating the light sourse! Still, it adds to the imersion.

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The whole purpose of gamma is to make the boundaries between different levels of darkness clearer and i don't think it's an exploit to use it as intendended.

What makes the real difference for me though is the HDR setting, maxing it makes details a lot clearer at night and if gamma is an exploit you could argue that increasing your graphic quality is as well and that using a high end video card is cheating.

As far as i have seen it's more common to switch servers when it gets dark to a different timezone and to be honest i think playing in eternal sunlight is far more of a cheat than making the most out of the darkness.

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I refuse to believe any of you is actually so stupid you'd think this is not an exploit.

You would think so, yeah, but don't worry. If you see any logical arguments anywhere, be sure to notify Nya and he'll come and threadshit the place to oblivion.

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This is a competitive online multiplayer game, if you don't turn up your gamma at night you are purposely and knowingly putting yourself at a huge disadvantage which doesn't make any sense in all honesty, this is not a singleplayer game.

Sorry what? competitive?? That implies competition, which implies someone can win. NOBODY EVER can win in Dayz. There is NO "I win" mark. You will all die eventually, because there is nothing else out there.

With that kind of mindset a person like yourself with undoubtedly not progress very far and be killed constantly by others all for the sake of the "experience".

The "experience" is the very core concept of DayZ. I believe Rocket implied as much many times. The goal of Dayz is emotion and experience, there is nothing else of any relevance.

People such as yourself (not saying you, just in general) usually also call people like us cheaters for using every advantage at our disposal which in itself is ridiculous. Before I had night vision some guy told me I should be banned for 'exploiting' the gamma system. That geek actually referred to a function and option in the game as an

Obviously anyone calling you out for exploiting while you're using NVGs is a moron, if he knows you had NVGs that is.

Otherwise there is literally no difference in using gamma to see bright as day while the mod is meant to have very dark nights, and using other methods such as external tools (maps on the net, teamspeak, etc) or just trying to exploit bugs and pure hacking.

The "intent" is the same and that's all that matters in the end: to bypass the game intended mechanics to gain an advantage over others.

Finally, HDR is a graphic setting that is intended as being activated for the full potential of the game engine. Even with HDR maxed up, you will NOT see that much at night, especially when there's a cloud cover. If you play without HDR, you are simply playing in conditions are do not allow proper moonlight reflection, which can be compared to someone playing with crappy textures, very low resolution, etc. Consider having ALL settings to normal/high to have an idea of what the game engine should be and is intended to be. If you are below that, you're screwed.

For Gamma, you are meant to put it to 1.0 (same as brightness), and simply adjust your monitor using specific gamma calibration tools found very easily on the net.

Of course you can play games however you want, but have the decency, at least for yourself, to admit you're cheating, to win a competition that doesn't even exist... :)

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It's kind of like skipping to the end of a book just so you can be the first to know what happened. The purpose of the story is to experience the story. It's not a race to the end. You're really only ruining the (intended) experience for yourself.

Some people would be happy to do this, since everyone can, and then go around telling everyone else how it ends to show how much better they are at reading.

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