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Standalone by September? No chance

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I posted what an argument was because you don't appear to know.

I also said don't be condescending when you don't know what you are talking about (in this instance, the reasons why WarZ will be bad).

Comprehension my friend...and while you're at it, grammar and spelling.

His arguments consist of "you're all fanboys, keep sitting on that dick". You're seriously saying those are "as valid"?

Either way, I'm done talking to you.

Edited by Dankine

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don't give any semblance of an argument, just attack people. that'll prove your point.

warz is and will be a watered down, carebear game. hence, shit.

Don't give any semblance of an argument, just attack the game. that'll prove your point.

Just saying. :P

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Right now Rocket can't do much because touching arma2 code will screw up vanilla arma2 game-play, he actually had to disable single player option when dayz is loaded because BI was getting spammed

with thousands of support ticket's. For standalone he will fork arma2 code, disable client side script injection (a feature crucial for serious milsim game-play) which will stop the rampant hacking,

then release it w/o arma brand.

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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Don't give any semblance of an argument, just attack the game. that'll prove your point.

Just saying. :P

The reasons have been stated over and over. Not least in the posts you chose to ignore in your rush to repeat what has already been written.

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Lol @ the retards who are saying "Fuck WarZ" like little cock-riding Fanboys. Sorry, but the game looks very promising... I love DayZ, aside from all the bugs and 15 minutes to get onto a server, and hacking, poorly optimized and clunky engine... the game is still addicting and fun for the most part. However, I am not under the illusion that just because I played this first and am a "fan", that a game will not be released to quickly make me switch for my Zombie Survival fix. If WarZ does what it says it can, and is how a lot of us are imagining it, it will completely blow this mod out of the market and not many people will look back... witch every single patch, this Mod becomes more broken, I had more fun 2 months ago with how things were than the garbage I/we are dealing with now. So, anyone who says "Fuck WarZ" just because you're "loyal" to this Mod, enjoy, you'll be missing out if WarZ turns out to be as good as we all hope. You can have your little community full of Fanboys too "dedicated" and "loyal" to switch games. Same retards who think removing RESPAWN was a good idea because it makes it more 'realistic' and makes you skilled to run 20 minutes to find a major city full of action... Enjoy. I know many of us will switch at the drop of a hat if the Mod keeps going to shit like it has been.

I like the respawn button being gone. Now I can actually loot cherno and elektro without having some pissed off kid come back QQing with a horde of infected trying to exact his revenge after I splattered the contents of his head across a field five minutes earlier.

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I posted what an argument was because you don't appear to know.

I also said don't be condescending when you don't know what you are talking about (in this instance, the reasons why WarZ will be bad).

Comprehension my friend...and while you're at it, grammar and spelling.

His arguments consist of "you're all fanboys, keep sitting on that dick". You're seriously saying those are "as valid"?

Either way, I'm done talking to you.

Actually i knew what you were talking about, that's why i responded, because i dont share the same opinion. It will be bad for you, it might be the best for others. I dont know wich i will like better, DayZ or War Z, but i'll try War Z without any doubt, and then decide.

Comprehension i have, although you seem not to. As i allready demonstrated, what you said is not even an argument because it lacked the logical form to be one, same goes for the "arguments" used by Planet.

My grammar and spelling... Well, live with it! My native language isn't english, but i'm sure i speak it, and write it, better then you can speak and write my native language. Plus, when you begin to atack the individual, you just did the same has Planet, wich just proves you lack the arguments.

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Rocket works at BIS.

Arma 3 is close to being released for public alpha (since last I read 2-3 months ago).

I wouldn't be surprised if he's been spending more resources on a stand-alone than on patching this mod.

Stand-alone release this year is plausible, but would remain in an alpha testing stage.

Edited by Griff

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ArmA2 engine is used for US Army's simulation training. I've read somewhere that the contract is up and Army is looking to grant 40 mill to a developer who can give them a new engine for next gen simulator.

I figure that Bohemia is all balls out to get that contract with ArmA 3's engine. However from what I understood, Army is looking for next gen simulator right now, which probably means that Army is not content with Bohemia's ArmA3 engine. Which in turn probably means that Bohemia's priority numero uno at this point is to appease US Army and its requirements to get that 40 mil contract.

So we probably will not see ArmA3 for some time as its being worked on and tweaked for Army's sake.

If Rocket is planning to give us something by the end of the year, it is most probably be in ArmA2 engine. Which makes sense, as buying the rights to use an "older" engine is probably much cheaper, compared to, going with brand spanking new one.

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ArmA2 engine is used for US Army's simulation training. I've read somewhere that the contract is up and Army is looking to grant 40 mill to a developer who can give them a new engine for next gen simulator.

I figure that Bohemia is all balls out to get that contract with ArmA 3's engine. However from what I understood, Army is looking for next gen simulator right now, which probably means that Army is not content with Bohemia's ArmA3 engine.

If you read the proposal from the Army it says exactly the opposite. They want to keep the existing system and build upon it.

It also says they're not actually seeking a new contract, but rather "gathering data" which means they're probably going to take it right back to BIS.

So we probably will not see ArmA3 for some time as its being worked on and tweaked for Army's sake.

Do you know what going stand-alone means?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Was about to say. Why would he buy an older Engine?

ArmaIII is also rumored to use the same engine as ArmaII, with just better graphics.

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He doesn't have to buy rights to any BIS engine...

How so? If standalone DayZ is coming out, under Bohemia, then I can understand that. But if Rocket is making it as his own game, where he is the one who is getting profits for it, then how is he going to get a free engine for his game? Just purely based on his dashing looks?

P.S. not going to argue about the US Army article. It seems I need to re-read it, was posting from my memory, and I could be wrong.

Edited by vulfy

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"My vagina is like a trampoline... Anyone who tries to jump in it bounces right out."

That doesn't make ANY sense at all... and, I don't know about most people, but when I get on a trampoline, I jump as much as I want until I get tired or the trampoline breaks. Only idiots who don't understand the use of a trampoline would jump "in" and "out".

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But if Rocket is making it as his own game, where he is the one who is getting profits for it, then how is he going to get a free engine for his game? Just purely based on his dashing looks?

P.S. not going to argue about the US Army article. It seems I need to re-read it, was posting from my memory, and I could be wrong.

From my knowledge, game engines can take years for developers to make. I really don't think Rocket will be making his own. I really don't think anyone is going to give him one. I don't think anyone is going to fund him when there are other competitors tapped into this market already. I expect this game to remain a mod. I believe all this talk of standalone etc is just a really big pipe dream.

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My guess is standalone game using some modified version of the Arma 3 engine, don't expect it anytime this year

Agree. If it's made with ArmA3 it will be released at least in 2014.



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I expect this game to remain a mod. I believe all this talk of standalone etc is just a really big pipe dream.




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