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About grumz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. grumz

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    When repsawn will be fixed ? Because always the same screen "you are dead". I know I must log on test server, respawn and go to an other server but this is not very cool to do it all the time when you die :(.
  2. Can u do something for the prblem when we can't beggin a new game before death. It's impossible to clic on "respawn" and I see always the message "you are dead".
  3. grumz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yes, when do u think u'll give us the stand alone of DayZ cause' warz is coming soon ?
  4. grumz

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Breaking Beans nice work and thinking about it :).
  5. Do u think the standalone could run on Linux Ubuntu ?
  6. grumz

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    One friend from an airsoft sniping community (sniperland) have made some t-shirt for us. He have take contact with some people who work in floacking t-shirt for know the price and after we have give some money from Paypal. Why u don't do something like that ? I know for DayZ it could be more hard because the community is from all the world.
  7. grumz

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Awasome reactivity :).
  8. grumz

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Thx a lot Rocket.