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What's being done about the hackers

Who has stopped playing dayz.  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Is DAYZ still unplayable due to hackers?

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Hello All,

I hope the dayz admins read this. What is being done about the hacking? This is getting retarted. I don't know about you guys but this game has become unplayable. Since the scripts and hacks can be downloaded, cannot DAYZ staff or even arma II staff download the scripts/overlays can't they download them and reverse engeneer them to protect the game from what the scripts/overlays are doing?

As much as I love this game, there must be somthing done as this is getting out of hand..

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The hackers are a major pain in the ass. I am a server admin and have to deal with them, but I would in no way say that it is unplayable due to it.

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DayZ developers cant really do anything about it until the source engine gets ...

/sigh Nevermind...

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Really, last few servers I have played on it seemed like everyone is hacking except me. How proactive are you? Do you have many global bands that get to BE?

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Hello there

Your poll (unintentionally) is /can be slightly misleading due to the wording. I'd expand on it a little.

For me, I rarely go online now, not just due to scripts but the general PVP only attitude. I have plain Arma if I want to pure PVP.



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Well Doesn't Rocket work for Arma now?

ARMA is a game made by Bohemia Interactive. Your argument is invalid.

P.S. keep going, I'm on a roll.

Edited by NightRipper
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The hackers are a major pain in the ass. I am a server admin and have to deal with them, but I would in no way say that it is unplayable due to it.

So you can still enjoy the game even though you work hard for hours just to be killed by a hacker/cheeters?

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Fine, I guess no one really cares. Can't beat em, then just join them.

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Maybe you should send an email to Bohemia or BattlEye because there's fuck all Rocket can do about it.

And no, it's not unplayable. Stop blaming every death on hackers.

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Fine, I guess no one really cares. Can't beat em, then just join them.

You say to get rid of hackers, then you want to join them?

Mother of God...

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So you can still enjoy the game even though you work hard for hours just to be killed by a hacker/cheeters?

Btw, every game has hackers, you can't really get rid of them, don't get attached to your gear.

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Rocket works for Bohemia, so he could do somthing. Perhaps we will have to wait for the standalone game which then he will have more controlls. I don't blame every death on hackers, but the ones I have witenessed I can say are from them. I have seen ppl been teleported, invisiable ppl. Heck it's even on youtube.

As much as I love this game, these ppl do ruin it when they do this.

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Rocket works for Bohemia, so he could do somthing. Perhaps we will have to wait for the standalone game which then he will have more controlls. I don't blame every death on hackers, but the ones I have witenessed I can say are from them. I have seen ppl been teleported, invisiable ppl. Heck it's even on youtube.

As much as I love this game, these ppl do ruin it when they do this.

There is a section for report abuse on this forums if you have proof, other than that, Rocket can't really do anything, the fault is Battleye, he can't do anything about it, so you are going to have to wait for the standalone version.

Also, please close this thread. There are already hundreds of them.

Edited by DarkFireTorch
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Rocket works for Bohemia, so he could do somthing.

Even if he does work for Bohemia, and from what I read he just contracts for them (this may or may not be wrong, it's just what I read), Bohemia have absolutely no responsibility for the security of DayZ. It's not their project and they have no obligation to expend any resources on it.

One thing Rocket has said is that he wants to get this game standalone, at that point he will have more control.

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I guess i should just stop bitching and wait for standalone.

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Stop making posts here, it solves nothing and clusters up the forums with useless crap.

go to the battleye website and send them an email or something. The problem is not as bad as lots of you make out , arma2s engine just gives hackers more capabilities than other games which usually just have aimbots , nothing can be done about it unless battleye pulls the finger out.

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battle eye's website sucks

Case closed. Their website sucks. This topic can be closed.....


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Maybe you should send an email to Bohemia or BattlEye because there's fuck all Rocket can do about it.

And no, it's not unplayable. Stop blaming every death on hackers.

dayz sales have made bis millions. dayz is no longer just a mod and if they want to keep this momentum they need to take action.

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When you get a chance, try a New Zealand server during our evening (GMT +12), filter for "NZ" and look for ON3 and Orcon hosts. Head to Electro/Cherno, and you may encounter one or more of the following:

1. Fleets of cars on the road.

2. Lots of choppers.

3. NPCs in ghillie suit/military uniform.

4. Get nuked.

5. Thunderdome.

6. Get turned into a zombie.

7. Get sniped by invisible people while rolling in thick grass.

8. Find crates filled with 100 of all the weapons in the game.

NZ server is truly ahead of the rest of the world, it's DayZ's future if more is not done. Go back to your US server and realise just how playable the game actually is on your server.

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dayz sales have made bis millions. dayz is no longer just a mod and if they want to keep this momentum they need to take action.

Billions, they've made 6 million, nothing in the gaming industry. Rocket doesn't get all these 'billions', Bohemia does, he just gets payed like other devs. You are paying for Arma II, not for DayZ

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