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Can someone please tell me if my graphics are normal?

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Hi - can someone please tell me if my graphics are looking as they should be?

Look at the power lines... is this normal?

Thanks :)


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It doesn't happen to me, maybe you just have your graphics on low.

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Would be a little easier to help if you actually put what your settings were currently on....

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That depends on the resolution/video configuration you're using, i guess.

I'm running the game in 1080p and i'm also using anti-aliasing, so that depends on your configuration!

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Looks like you need to up the Anti aliasing and maybe object detail?

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ok thanks here's a screen of my settings attached.



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Perfectly normal. If you have a very high end PC Anti-aliasing could help with that, but it WILL lower your fps/performance.

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Perfectly normal. If you have a very high end PC Anti-aliasing could help with that, but it WILL lower your fps/performance.

thank you :)

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Hello there

this is evidently an AA issue, a good bit of fiddling will sort it!

Again, as i advise many folk, see the Bohemia Arma forums as this has been dealt with in depth there, especially the new settings.



PS it IS normal, but perhaps not optimal :)

Edited by orlok

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your 3D res sould match your interface res. that may correct the issue. but you wont get a clean image without AA.

Edited by XMorTus

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Hello there

this is evidently an AA issue, a good bit of fiddling will sort it!

Again, as i advise many folk, see the Bohemia Arma forums as this has been dealt with in depth there, especially the new settings.



PS it IS normal, but perhaps not optimal :)

thank you

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u can change atoc to a level acceptable for performance.

ATI cards sometimes have issues with atoc settings (bohemia keep messing with it)

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AA and PPAA (FXAA or SMAA) will get rid of this as well as increasing your 3d res to match your monitor's native res

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ATOC off is shitty foliage.

Yeah kind of, though it doesn't look that great when you look closely.

Also, ATOC=0 better visibility :)

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Perfectly normal. If you have a very high end PC Anti-aliasing could help with that, but it WILL lower your fps/performance.

Oh pleaaaaase. "very high end" NOT. AA makes no difference to performance at low or normal settings for me, and I have FAR from a high end pc. Please don't say stuff when you don't have the knowledge. Also PPAA(FXAA or SMAA) gives an added smoothness to edges with no performance loss for me.

If you don't believe me I can show you my settings, post my specs and then show you my in game FPS to prove what I am saying

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