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Forum/Website Addition: A "DayZ Stories" Category

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The Proposal: As stated in the title, I would really REALLY like to see a "DayZ Stories" category added into the forums, maybe even if just added under General Discussion just like Bandit Campfire and Survivor HQ recently were. Why, you ask? Because:

Many people in the DayZ community thoroughly enjoy reading stories and such written by other members. That being said, the only place where there is a designated spot to write/submit said stories is in a stickied thread. THIS is where the problem occurs.

From a Story Writer's Perspective: The Personal Aspect - It is discouraging to post in this mass thread only to be overlooked by the copious amounts of replies and other stories. This doesn't seem personal at all. It's more of a "Hey, read my story if you happen to see it, otherwise there are plenty of others on the same page that will catch your eye." Story Writers are contributing their works for other players to read and enjoy, but are much less likely to do so if they think their contribution will be seemingly overlooked.

From a Story Reader's Perspective: Ease of Access - Readers want to READ STORIES. If there is just a mass thread with 100+ pages, they are less likely to read more than a few of these stories because surfing through those pages can become quite boring and uneventful. If each story was separate, Readers could easily go through each one as they pleased without worrying about which page had which story and so on. This also allows for essentially uninterrupted reading. As in, "I know what the thread is called, so I can just search for that thread and continue reading where I left off on my break at work."

The Solution: Organization - Create a Category/Subforum where Writers and Readers can go for the sole purpose of reading and writing stories. Each thread is a writer's story, allowing them to title their post and make the account more personal but also more noticeable, while allowing readers to access these stories much easier than before.

Criticism encouraged, please let me know your thoughts and ideas!

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I don't post in the stories thread but I do like to read it. having a dedicated sub-forum would be a good way to encourage more detailed or chaptered stories.


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Supported, The current system is kinda clunky since more and more people are starting to write storys but posting them all on 1 thread kinda makes it feel like nobody is really interested and that they're just humoring us :(

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I couldn't agree more. I recently felt like writing a little short DayZ story of my past adventure but i was surprised when their was no sub forum for stories. it would be really nice to see and a great thing for the DayZ community. I hope its added :D

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Maybe you should write a letter to the Dev team if you want a Fanfiction Section so much.

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