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Playing at night?

I mean... don't get me wrong, I like that they're trying to make the game realistic and all, I think it's awesome, but when I walk outside at night time in real life, I can actually see stuff.

Want to improve the game? Add the moon.

Feel free to disagree and give me your opinions :)

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Want to improve the game? Add the moon.

Your wish is my command.

...and, done.

Protip: there's already a moon.

EDIT: I realized there's a slight chance you made a thread whining about something without actually having played the game very long. It's rare, but it does happen on these forums from time to time. So allow me to explain: DayZ has changing environmental effects, and on a cloudy night, the moon will be obscured by clouds.

Edited by NightRipper

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There is a moon in the game, you can try the EDITOR on Arma 2 too see more about the weather conditions in the game.

Sometimes the weather itself gets in the way and makes it harder for you to see the moon, so the night will be much darker than the usual.

But then sometimes it's really bright, when you can actually see the moon in the sky.

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Yeah I've noticed that I can see better in some games than others at night time, but it still doesn't explain why it's sooo dark, this is just my opinion anyway.

Also, I think if they made flashlights work a little better, like actually have a glow instead of just a circle of light, might be better, that would be a lot more playable.

Newbtip: not quite sure you got the point.

Edited by JohnPits

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I like playing at night if I by chance end up on a server where it's not completely pitch black. I like the added elements of stealth and being able to kick a zombie in the back without it knowing where I am. It does, however, complicate finding loot in houses and other buildings, unless you've played long enough to know where all the loot spawns are.

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There are different variations of night in Dayz. Moonlight (very bright) starlight (dim) cloud cover (pitch black). Back in the day when there wasnt enough servers night kicked ass because everyone had to suffer it but nowadays its ruined bc you can pick to play night or day basically so the only people who play at night have night vision which ruins the aspects of using flares and chem lights to get around. To bring night back into popularity the only way i think would be to make so there cant be pitch black nights allowing newer characters to play without having to constantly broadcasting their position with flares and flashlights

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I hate playing at night because I suck at it, but it's one of those things I can use to challenge myself when I feel like "I've done everything".

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When the moon is out and not obscured by clouds, you can actually see rather well. I actually like playing at night a decent amount. It has benefits and cons just like playing in the day does.

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Playing at night?

I mean... don't get me wrong, I like that they're trying to make the game realistic and all, I think it's awesome, but when I walk outside at night time in real life, I can actually see stuff.

Want to improve the game? Add the moon.

Feel free to disagree and give me your opinions :)

it wouldnt be as dark if the power grids werent inoperational due to the current zombie apocalypse.....

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I love playing at night.

Makes it easier than before to sneak. Hardly anyones on.

Guess that's the advantage to having NVG.

NVG and you are the king of theee night :D

Edit; And the zeds don't really see u, another nice thing in the night.

Edited by Hinaru
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First day of playing the game, myself and my buddy (on only his second life, such a trooper!) traveled around from dusk until it got dark. We loved it. There aren't many games that are actually dark and necessitate some kind of light. I snuck through a town, saw a blue light coming from a building and lo and behold a dead survivor with a shotgun and a makarov (which I had never seen), and we also raided a hospital and loaded up on morphine, epinephrine, bandages, etc. AND a town hall/school type building with a map in it. We then decided to head up north a bit more and to try to keep people from seeing us we kept our flashlights off and only navigated by the low light from the moon; often while traversing the forest we'd only be able to see the outline of the other player, and since we were both hanging out in a dark basement with the lights off, it was pretty eerie.

Long story short, we got pretty far that night, went into a castle, I accidentally fired my shotgun instead of opening some church doors and attracted an entire town full of zombies, we watched a helicopter crash and explode, I got nailed by a bear trap in the middle of a field (dafuq?), we found an army outpost, then snuck through a town into a hayloft before logging out. Crazy night, all without NVG, just a lot of, "Dude, where did you go? No, we can't light a fire, someone is going to shoot us."

Edit: Also, I think they should take out NVG =/ I found some, and I am pretty much brand new to the game so my opinion may not matter, but it'd be nice to not be able to "graduate" from using flares, chemlights and a flashlight. Though, I suppose then nobody but guys like me who like watching a flare light up a street or seeing a flashlight illuminate a castle staircase would play servers that are set to nighttime...

Edited by PWNtrooper

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I love playing at night by myself. Granted I've been playing for awhile and know the map and where loot spawns in buildings pretty well. What I've noticed is that on some servers I enter the lighting has changed. Sometimes it looks like gamma has been cranked up server side. I'm finding more moonlit servers as well-not that it helps much when traveling in deep woods.

I have one character with NVGs that I play when I'm looking to hit higher value military areas where players are more of a threat. But I'm finding that I tend to use my minimalist character more often than my geared guy to play at night alone.

I enoy the sense of creepiness in the dark woods and the occasional jump scare of a zombie you can't see suddenly screaming in your ear.

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i only ever tend to login to servers in full pitch black..

sorry its just no fun at all..

insta log..

give me daylight everytime, even if it is busier/riskier..

i play this game for the visual stimulation aswell as the overall game experience, playing at night is simply to unintersting.

ps on a sidenote, how teh hell do you use a chemlight ??? i tried everything but so far unable to figure it out.. cant even throw teh dam thing.. i only seem to be able to drop it or put it in my pack..

Edited by Siberian

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NVG and you are the king ot theee night :D


I have NVGs and an L85a2.. so I prefer to play at night. Even if other players have NVGs, the thermal still far outperforms. And for general running around, night vision is clear as day.

I'd say NVGs are the best item in the game.

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i only ever tend to login to servers in full pitch black..

sorry its just no fun at all..

insta log..

give me daylight everytime, even if it is busier/riskier..

i play this game for the visual stimulation aswell as the overall game experience, playing at night is simply to unintersting.

Yes let's all be forced to play at the day because one person dosen't like it.

This is a SIMULATOR The game will always have a day/night cycle if you don't like it play on servers that are day.

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I do appreciate being able to choose a day OR night server regardless of my local time.

My work schedule leaves me odd availability and I prefer to play on day time servers in order that my targets move a bit more freely and confidently thinking they've seen everything to see :]

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I love playing at night.

Makes it easier than before to sneak. Hardly anyones on.

Guess that's the advantage to having NVG.

At night is when TyRobot comes to play...*evil laugh* :lol:

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Yes let's all be forced to play at the day because one person dosen't like it.

This is a SIMULATOR The game will always have a day/night cycle if you don't like it play on servers that are day.

LOL thats what i do..

were did i say EVERYONE should be forced to ???

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I can deal with night when the moon or stars are out but not when it's pitch black.

I actually had a really fun time yesterday when it was night time and it started to rain while I was running around in the woods. My vision went way down really fast so I found myself stumbling around in the woods in the pouring rain. I hadn't found a compass yet and the only company I had was my AK-74. Fun times.

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