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dee (DayZ)

Randomly kicking and banning from DE5 "Kalles.."

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Tho i have nothing to do with this, i can vouch that i've seen Kalles say he kicks people for friends onf DE5

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Really? :D

He pay for the server but have not the permission to kick people? Is that a bad joke? xD

Yes, this is true. There are rules that server admins are expected to follow.

What a shock!!

If you want to have impunity to do what you want, as a server admkn, then make your own game, and host it! Problem solved..


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lol :rolleyes:

Maybe your search for a definition of the word administrator ;)#

Edit// I will help you dude!

"A server administrator, or admin has the overall control of a server."

Maybe you rename this to moderator? Although... I think a normal moderator has more rights :P

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read the rules for server admins ... you have to follow them!

and they include things like not to kick people for friends!

i see you haven't read them

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I read the rules but I find these rules stupid!

I can understand Kalle! HE pay for a server (not the dayz developers) but the developers have all rights and kalle not?

Okay, then I hope every admin will stop paing for the servers and the developer will pay it alone - it would be a gread success :)

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Kalle ich geb dir recht. Ich war zwar ganz gern bei dir auf dem Server aber wenn die hier rum jammern das du nicht das machen darfst als Admin was du willst dann mach den Server dicht. Ich würde als Admin sogar riegeroß alle rauswerfen die nicht deutsch sprechen, so einfach ist das. Vor allem wenn der Server schon DE heißt frag ich mich warum da english sprachige Leute beitreten sollten.

Durch diese limitierte Anzahl an Servern ist das Spiel zeitweise sowieso unspielbar. Die förmlichen DDos angriffe per Einagbe/beitreten klopfen sind nur durch das Abschließen des Servers abwendbar somit finde ich die Regeln teils Blödsinnig.

Gruß Mathias.

tldr : Kalle is right

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I read the rules but I find these rules stupid!

I can understand Kalle! HE pay for a server (not the dayz developers) but the developers have all rights and kalle not?

Okay' date=' then I hope every admin will stop paing for the servers and the developer will pay it alone - it would be a gread success :)


I kinda understand him too. It would be very fustrating to pay for a server and not be able to play with your friends. You might see another group of friends playing on "your" server while your friends are waiting for free slots even for hours.

I´m not sure if you understand where we are at the moment. I dont think developers have any reason to let others host a server, but to let more people play the game. FOR FREE. It is in alpha testing and the devs have even mentioned that now that the mod have so damn many players its even harder to apply updates. Letting us all play is just making their job harder. So be thankful.

On top of making it harder, they now have to read more and more negative toned complains and demands. I also think that the devs understands the point of view of a server owner but atm have more important stuff to work on.

And btw: how many of the 100k unique players have actually helped the devs by reporting bugs through the correct channels or given constructive criticism and suggestions? I think not too many.

I for one, have not helped any bit and never wrote anything useful in this forum... (but i have talked one friend into buying arma2 for this mod)

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I read the rules but I find these rules stupid!

I can understand Kalle! HE pay for a server (not the dayz developers) but the developers have all rights and kalle not?

Okay' date=' then I hope every admin will stop paing for the servers and the developer will pay it alone - it would be a gread success :)


I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to grasp this. If you can't adhere to the rules, then don't host. Play and enjoy the game on someone else's pocket if it's such a big deal.

The rules will change in the future as this project evolves further, but at the moment it's an alpha. You either suck it up, or shut down your server. All other server hosts are stuck with this too. Though I tell you this, our community would still rather use our own server even if we've got to wait to join.

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Please Bann De5 Kalle Spielhall Server !!!!!

The Admin restartet the Server without any warning. After i reconnect i was missing 2 bloodgabs my bino and Hunting Knife. I mean WTF.

And yesterday i think it was also the Admin Kalle. He asked me "friendly" i answerd yes and he killed me. I lost all.

This should have consequences.

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Gekko' pid='71119' dateline='1338057360']

Please Bann De5 Kalle Spielhall Server !!!!!

The Admin restartet the Server without any warning. After i reconnect i was missing 2 bloodgabs my bino and Hunting Knife. I mean WTF.

And yesterday i think it was also the Admin Kalle. He asked me "friendly" i answerd yes and he killed me. I lost all.

This should have consequences.

I see no issues with this.

1. If they require to restart the server then they can and without warning if necessary, the server can only stay up for so long. What if it crashed instead? Maybe it didn't restart?

2. Admins are just like players, they do not have to face any consequences just for killing you. If you died because of a player/admin? It's not his fault, it's yours for trusting him :V

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I read the rules but I find these rules stupid!

I can understand Kalle! HE pay for a server (not the dayz developers) but the developers have all rights and kalle not?

Okay' date=' then I hope every admin will stop paing for the servers and the developer will pay it alone - it would be a gread success :)


It's his choice to accept the rules to host a game for the mod. If he don't want to obey their rules for hosting, well then he should'nt have hosted the server from the beginning /or he can stop hosting it.

What Kalle seems to have done is that he have given the developers an empty promise to host one of their servers.

In other words, he may have stolen the developers mod for his own purpose.

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There's a big difference between hosting a server in this and in a game like Counter Strike. In DayZ every player's progress is saved to the master server, so there needs to be restrictions on the server owners, or they will be able to use their servers to hoard weapons for themselves and their friends, which they will then be able to use on every game server.

It can also be pretty devastating for a player if he's kicked at the middle of the NW Airfield or another hotspot for instance, and when he enters another server to respawn ends up having to wait for the hourglass for ~2 minutes and gets killed.

That said, I don't think it would be unreasonable to let server owners have 2 reserved slots on their servers. That would reward them for paying for a server, without giving them a major advantage over the other players.

Gekko' pid='71119' dateline='1338057360']The Admin restartet the Server without any warning. After i reconnect i was missing 2 bloodgabs my bino and Hunting Knife. I mean WTF.

I definitely agree that's poor conduct. If a server admin restarts his server' date=' he should at least give a warning a few minutes in advance so people can head to safety to save their progress. I have had this happen to myself aswell, but at least I didn't lose anything valuable. In the future I will probably avoid that server if I have good gear, though.

Gekko' pid='71119' dateline='1338057360']And yesterday i think it was also the Admin Kalle. He asked me "friendly" i answerd yes and he killed me. I lost all.

That's not against the rules. You are allowed to use deception to kill other players.

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With that attitude you are definitely not a good person to manage a server, and I'm glad that you will stop hosting it. I understand that it can be frustrating to have to wait for more than half an hour for yourself or a friend to get into a server, but by abusing your powers you can potentially ruin several hours of progress for other players.

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OMG !!!




GET A F xxxxx LIFE !!!

( Just to get the facts right ... all i did .. was kicking 2 people after i wait more then 30 mins to join my own server - and before i warned them ... but nooo its illegal , a big crime !! But to restart the hole server without a warning is legal !! Its like kicking 42 player at the same time ... )

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( Just to get the facts right ... all i did .. was kicking 2 people after i wait more then 30 mins to join my own server - and before i warned them ... but nooo its illegal ' date=' a big crime !! But to restart the hole server without a warning is legal !! Its like kicking 42 player at the same time ... )


Restarting the server without a warning is even worse, but I don't think that's an excuse for kicking people for no good reason.

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( Just to get the facts right ... all i did .. was kicking 2 people after i wait more then 30 mins to join my own server - and before i warned them ... but nooo its illegal ' date=' a big crime !! But to restart the hole server without a warning is legal !! Its like kicking 42 player at the same time ... )


all u did was kicking 2 players?

Dont forget that u banned me after i have adviced u the Rules.

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On a unrelated note, I'm selling server databases for any banks out there, First national, Credit Union - I don't care, catch is. You pay for it, and I get more access to your database than you do.

Hmm..Am I the only one who sees the flaw in logic there? I think the "experiment" that rocket is pulling might just be to see how much people will pay extra for something and have no say in it. If rockets a "Business man", he understands the concepts of stocks and shareholdings - These "Admins", are your Shareholders. And to tell them that they don't have a say in how things go is just morally wrong, especially when all the people complaining about getting kicked/banned can barely write a sentence without using the spell checker. (Not an insult, I just think it's funny that people who -For example; The other day a guy got kicked/banned for interrupting a video an admin was making - And complained that "It ruined his fun". Ironic isn't it? That the people who will go out of their way to just create havoc will be heard before the men/women forking over money to PROVIDE the servers..

Rocket says to "Do something about it ingame", yet there are no out of game punishments. There's a difference between "Playing a game how you want" and "Ruining other peoples fun". I can play a game of Janga and just smack over the tower every time because "That's the way I play". I bet I won't get invited to another Janga session.

Edit: And saying "Don't do it again or I'm reporting you", is in a sense blackmail, how would you like it if someone hopped ingame and said "I'm sick of your shit, do it again and I'm getting you banned from the Dev Team"? I bet you'd probably just "lol" because you probably don't take the game seriously and just play it as any other game that has guns and player damage.

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( Just to get the facts right ... all i did .. was kicking 2 people after i wait more then 30 mins to join my own server - and before i warned them ... but nooo its illegal ' date=' a big crime !! But to restart the hole server without a warning is legal !! Its like kicking 42 player at the same time ... )


all u did was kicking 2 players?

Dont forget that u banned me after i have adviced u the Rules.


amigo ... thats what iam doing with people who think they can give me orders or telling me what to do....




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