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You first Bandit kill

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Heres mine : Well I had just died to a hacker and joined a new game and started walking to Nw airfield because I knew I needed a gun so It was like 13km away and I was about half way there and I hear a sniper go off and see it hit the ground in front of me so i get down behind a rock so I wait about 5mins a decide to run for it not knowing where he was i kept running to the airfield but i hear another shot this time i don't hide i run to the forest.I make it to the forest but out of nowhere my guy trips

and before you know it i had fallen on the sniper and my penis got stuck in his eye.He died instantly but i had to respawn because it had got stuck.Share your first bandit kills below!

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First day on DayZ for me(when you still spawned with Makarovs), was looting an Enfield when another new spawn came up behind me and emptied his Makarov at me from afar. He ran to the side of the barn, I picked up the Enfield and slowly walked to the side aswell. I spotted him crawling on the floor and I put a bullet in his head.

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Just got mine 10mins ago. Yday before i logged out i found a CZ sniper and they are terrible in my opinion. today i logged on and was sniping at elektro on a hill. i saw that two ppls was dead inside the fire station so i was camping it for a while with my nice scope. suddenly i see a guy with a LS inside the firestaion looting the bodys. as you might know you can only oneshot someone in the head with the CZ sniper. since i didnt have range finder i took a shot and he got hit in the chest, and i saw he was bleeding. okay after that i couldnt see him inside the firestation anymore so i thought he aborted. It took around 10mins before i see him running around outside the firestation with zombies behind him. i took a shot infront of him with 200 zeroing and suddenly "Bandit kills: 1" i was clearing the area to make sure i could go loot his body and in the end i had range finder, two diffrent snipers, a LS weps, NVG's and etc.

My first time sniping and also my first time im getting such a good weapon :-).

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