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Plane crash/shipwreck beggining? No items to start with?

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How about starting us off with nothing but we can loot the wrecks of a plane or ship from which we crashed in for some food/beans and if you are extremely lucky (0.001%) some weapons?

It would add a scenario to the game instead of magically appearing on the cost with some stuff.

EDIT: Not a new wreck for every player, but isntead maybe you can see a crashed plane in the sea from the shoreline and boxes of FedEx delivery stuff strewn along the coastline (think like Lost)

Edited by A-E-I-OWN-U
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Well they can put random wreck stuff along the coast or boxes floating in the water, not a new ship or plane for everyone.

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i think it is a decent idea. maybe what you could do is make it a higher chance for weapons (only pistols, maybe decent weapons would have a super low chance) but make it so that the ship / plane reck spawns zombies like the helicopter recks do. so its basically a noobs equivolent of one and it is up to them if they want to risk going in or not

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Maybe if they explained why the fuck your person decided to take an ocean cruise next to zombieland with a boat that has a one star safety rating. I don't know HOW they explained the spawning, but it would be cool if they did so in a way that made sense.

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You should just have 3 factions in this game - Russian Airborne Troops (VDV), US Marines and civilians (Chernarussians). You should, when you respawn, spawn as one of the factions at random.

If you spawn as the VDV - you spawn in NW of map, you could also have an an-72 or mil-26 crash site (no loot). The VDV would have the skins we have now: their mission was to recon the US invasion of Chernarus and they would claim, if caught, that they worked for a US PMC.

The US Marines would spawn on the south beach: in the ideal i'd like to see several burned out AAV's or choppers on the beach, which can't be repaired and have no loot(too much loot in the game as it is). The US marines where invading Chernarus (I didn't play Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA, except the first mission) and got into this mess (you where ambushed). They should have different skins (as an example - desert camo as a starter).

Finally, the civilians - you spawn on the center or NE of the map. You have civilian clothes (look at a civilian zombie and you see what I mean).

The key point - you start with the same equipment!!! As the VDV soldier - your plane or chopper (an-72 or mil-26) crashed and you bailed out at the last minute. As a US marine you where on a chopper or AAV and you where shot down before the infection spread. And as the civilian you have always been in Chernarus.

You could add before you spawn 20 seconds of darkness with certain sounds playing sounds: like a plane crashing for the VDV, an ambush for the US marines and farming (or whatever sounds or music you use to represent a quiet village life).

What I am recommending doesn't add loot spawns or anything else, just some setting to the game. Right now it feels like you've awakened on a strange island with zombies and have to survive.

It would be best if the South of the map had (aside from civillian spawns) only US military spawn (incl. vehicles), the NW and some of the center - Russian military spawns. Civilians spawns (weapons and vehicles) appear everywhere, however you have a much higher chance of finding civ. loot in the center and NE of the map.

In the perfect world I'd like an An-72 spawn south of the airfield (just a plane crash, bodies, metal ripped etc - little left of the plane), 2-3 AAV (can't be repaired, no loot) nearby each other on the South beach with signs of heavy combat and, maybe, old WW2 trenches in the center of the map in the Black Forest (say civilians survived there during the initial outbreak).

All of this would give you a plot, which you could work with. The key point - no new equipment, no new loot spawns and the same starting equipment for everyone. Comments, questions, hating - GO.

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Bad idea if weps spawn but decent if food spawned there and some med supplys. I still want some action like in going to citys getting much more loot. But the loot should only spawn once because it would cause players not to go into citys and just drive there car along the coast to find bunch of wrecks and hoard all the loot. I always go to elecktro and cherno i dont really seem to get shot at probley because im fast at looting. Its really your own fault for getting killed without anything to start with because you are not carefull.

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dude, just a small fishing boat in some places wrecked in the shorelines, and maybe in the open field could be a small totally wrecked car with stuff indicating someone you lived in it, but no, its not a good idea because it backtracks to the idea of bases that have not been implemented yet, and we are all civilians, the probability stuff of another skin spawning and storyline is useless.

no backtracking, keep it as it is, and only think about things you can do, no backstory

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How about starting us off with nothing but we can loot the wrecks of a plane or ship from which we crashed in for some food/beans and if you are extremely lucky (0.001%) some weapons?

It would add a scenario to the game instead of magically appearing on the cost with some stuff.

EDIT: Not a new wreck for every player, but isntead maybe you can see a crashed plane in the sea from the shoreline and boxes of FedEx delivery stuff strewn along the coastline (think like Lost)

I like the idea of trying to set some kind of context to you being on the beach all of a sudden but placing wrecks like that would only give griefers/spawncampers something to aim at while waiting.

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