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Scary Situation

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So me and my two friends were chilling out at night time in a little city north of NWAF called Petrovka. We were sitting around a campfire having just done a few loot runs at NWAF and successfully collecting Military Grade weapons and hardware for all 3 of us. We figured nobody would be at Petrovka because it is such a waste of coming here but now that we were pretty much at endgame why not throw a night time party? We were wrong. While we were sitting around the fire pressing q and e in a pattern so we were tilting our heads and doing the crabwalk, we heard a shot in the distance. After a few moments of panicking we figured that someone had fallen for the tent/sniper trap at NWAF we had seen earlier. Once again, we were wrong. Another shot rang out, one of my two friends collapsed, we saw in the chat that he had been killed instantly, my other friend and I got up and scrambled around yelling what do we do?!?! After taking cover in a densly bushed area we decided the best action would be to do a loop around the giant hill we had decided the shot had come from. So after about 10 minutes of walking we got behind the hill, moved to the top, nothing... Another shot blasts past us and we run down the hill zig zagging in the opposite direction of the sound. After hiding at the base of the hill for a few minutes and yelling and screaming at eachother, we thought of another plan. I used my rangefinders to look around while prone and on the side of the hill and finally... FINALLY found the sniper. The sniper was luckily still in the survivor skin and had beige clothing so he was fairly easy to spot. Now it was time for the plan to come in to action. My friend moved to the top of the hill, popped a flare and took cover. 5 or 6 more shots. My friend started firing back meanwhile I was crouch running through the brush and around the hill the enemy was on. Finally I got to the back of the hill and started moving up the hill. I pause and listen, 2 close shots (enemy) then 10-15 far shots (friend). Good, I think to myself, they are still fighting. I move up to the top of the hill, signal for my friend to stop firing so he doesn't shoot me, find the sniper and riddle him with bullets from my M4. Mission accomplished. We found an AS50 on the guy and a ghillie suit (what the fuck?!). After looting and hiding the body, we went back to Cherno to meet up with our now-fresh friend and supply him with equipment from our coyotes.

Thanks for reading =D

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Someone always has to ruin the fun! Great thinking & execution. If your future endeavors be ones of self-defense and societal benefit, I bid you good luck. :)

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... nice story to tell, I especially like the part about running around like panicking chickens ;)

It's hard to keep cool thinking while under fire, I know that from personal experience, when all tactical thinking is overrided by the desire to be just out of harm's way.

But you finally got the bandit and gave him what he deserved - beans for you all!

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