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My happy thread to counter my bitch and moan

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I had just posted about hackers ruining fun, and now I want to post about how AWESOME THIS GAME IS!

One night I was running through the big city near the coast, and about four or five bandits were shooting at me from an abandoned building, when a chopper comes down and starts railling them and killed two of the five, and so I decided to help out using my rifle i picked up. We managed to kill all five, and made two friends (the chopper people). Gotta say the experience was one of the best in any game I've ever played.

My advice to new players - find a friend to play with. It's 100x better. Yes it's hard to find items, but when you do it's SO worth it :)

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You know, every post you make about hackers... just feeds the hackers, most of them do it for attention, you are giving them exactly what they want.

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I always play with a RL friend. There's some fun to be had with being the lone survivor, strolling through the wastes with nothing more than a gun and a canteen, but things are so much easier with someone to watch your back and help carry the loot.

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I love when stuff like that happens.. So many stories from DayZ c:

Although the horrid amount of bandits who shoot on site is a bit unnerving.

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I always play with a RL friend. There's some fun to be had with being the lone survivor, strolling through the wastes with nothing more than a gun and a canteen, but things are so much easier with someone to watch your back and help carry the loot.

This. Ive pretty much become the medic with my RL friend. He carries the extra ammo we find as well the other basic stuff you need to survive.

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