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Declaring War on another Clan?

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Anyone ever do it? I think our clan basically did that last night by sending a guy into anther's team-speak and eventually stealing their chopper.

So has anyone else declared war on another clan? We officially havent, just wondering how it ended for you guys.

[/media] Edited by InfiniteGrim
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Fuckin' epic video. Can't believe I sat on the outskirts of Cherno for 30 minutes watching this video D:

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Fuckin' epic video. Can't believe I sat on the outskirts of Cherno for 30 minutes watching this video D:

I know people will love this video, just dont know how to get it any attention!

Thanks for watching!

Edited by InfiniteGrim

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I know people will love this video, just dont know how to get it any attention!

Thanks for watching!

Yeah dude, my squad is looking for exactly this type of gameplay.

I know it's hard to believe anyone, but if you guys want any help or whatever in these type of engagements, hit me up. We roll with about 8 people most of the time and we've been looking for this type of action; would love to get in on it.

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I'm glad to see you guys didn't go all "These guys a fuckin' noobs and shit and they're the fuckin' worst clan ever" about what happened. This is the type of clan war that makes this game properly awesome.

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I'm glad to see you guys didn't go all "These guys a fuckin' noobs and shit and they're the fuckin' worst clan ever" about what happened. This is the type of clan war that makes this game properly awesome.

Haha! Don't worry they did though!

In fact one of their admins threatened to ban his own members if they tried to respond to our attack! B) I guess we will have to find another clan that wants to play! ;)

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That bad at finding their chopper you had to go into their TS to try getting details of it. Shame on you.

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That bad at finding their chopper you had to go into their TS to try getting details of it. Shame on you.

No, we got them to pick our guy up!

The real story is, we used to play on their server months ago. We had a chopper, and every time they saw us flying the thing they would restart the server with no warning. That eventually led to us loosing teh chopper mid flight and us leaving their server. This was purely payback. Thats also where all the "reset the server" comments come from. They were notorious for resetting their server when something went bad, or in our case we were flying a chopper.

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Nice job hacking btw I'm getting sick of people posting dumb vids n pictures, I'm sorry but ur decked out with gear and you have what 20 some odd zombie kills. Also if you weren't cheating most people would've taken the ural and called it a day since it has one known spawn point and is questionably the best land vehicle due to it's huge gas tanks and huge storage space. And to top it off the chance of having that gun with multiple ghillie suits etc to me is just bogus. As well as not knowing how to fly a heli which nullifys your earlier claims at operating heli's so nice trolling bro ruining the game for the rest of us.

Edited by Abandonedcartoon

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O and btw make it more obvious by clearly wasting ammo throughout the vid to suddenly acquire more, as well as grenades in the middle of nowhere, as John would put it "COOL STORY BRAH"

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Nice job hacking btw I'm getting sick of people posting dumb vids n pictures, I'm sorry but ur decked out with gear and you have what 20 some odd zombie kills. Also if you weren't cheating most people would've taken the ural and called it a day since it has one known spawn point and is questionably the best land vehicle due to it's huge gas tanks and huge storage space. And to top it off the chance of having that gun with multiple ghillie suits etc to me is just bogus. As well as not knowing how to fly a heli which nullifys your earlier claims at operating heli's so nice trolling bro ruining the game for the rest of us.

Ah yes I'm hacking! Just because you dont have people to play with doesn't mean other people dont have friends who guard their body as they run up to it and get their stuff back!

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O and btw make it more obvious by clearly wasting ammo throughout the vid to suddenly acquire more, as well as grenades in the middle of nowhere, as John would put it "COOL STORY BRAH"

Its called having a vehicle with ammo in it. Did you not read the whole "This was edited from 4+ HOURS OF GAMEPLAY. There was 20+ minutes between the first and second time we tried killing the chopper because we all had to rearm at our vehicle. There was then another 30 minutes between the second and third time because we were all waiting for the guys with the satchel charges to get there.

Just because you dont have a team to play with who loads their vehicles up with the all the ammo they find, doesnt make everyone else a hacker.

Edited by InfiniteGrim

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Dude I been playin to long to even attempt at buying you're bullshit, you ruined another clans hardwork with some cheated items. I mean you must have realized you and your freinds sucked and couldn't compete, so you simply spawn whatever items you need to level the palying field. I'm gettin sick of idiot slike you and your clan.....It was painfully obvius at how unskilled at not only dayz you are but more specifically Arma2, yah know the game that Dayz is a mod of.... yah know the one where you learn how to fly a helicopter and actually shoot a gun.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO satchel charges right........those are totally prevalent in game btw totally would jsut waste those on blowing up some helicopter for fun.....you keep making it more and mroe obvious, jsut admit it man, you're amkin it too damn easy.

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Dude I been playin to long to even attempt at buying you're bullshit, you ruined another clans hardwork with some cheated items. I mean you must have realized you and your freinds sucked and couldn't compete, so you simply spawn whatever items you need to level the palying field. I'm gettin sick of idiot slike you and your clan.....It was painfully obvius at how unskilled at not only dayz you are but more specifically Arma2, yah know the game that Dayz is a mod of.... yah know the one where you learn how to fly a helicopter and actually shoot a gun.

Whatever, one of my videos even shows me going to the NWAF and finding the ACOG, and NVGs in the same trip.

Someone has better stuff then me....they're a hacker!

Someone has a chopper....they're a hacker!

Someone killed me....they're a hacker!

Edited by InfiniteGrim

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Nice job hacking btw I'm getting sick of people posting dumb vids n pictures, I'm sorry but ur decked out with gear and you have what 20 some odd zombie kills. Also if you weren't cheating most people would've taken the ural and called it a day since it has one known spawn point and is questionably the best land vehicle due to it's huge gas tanks and huge storage space. And to top it off the chance of having that gun with multiple ghillie suits etc to me is just bogus. As well as not knowing how to fly a heli which nullifys your earlier claims at operating heli's so nice trolling bro ruining the game for the rest of us.

Right now I'm even more decked out than OP, and guess how many zombie kills I have? 1. That's right, 1. Did I hack any of it, or take any of it from a hacker? The hell I didn't. It's called having a group of friends and a vehicle to put weapons on. Say all you want about us 'cheating' or 'exploiting' but it's all gear that we FOUND and collected ourselves, and decided to put it in a truck so we can get it when we die.

And no, no duping was used to get our gear. I refuse to let my team mates dupe gear, even if it's pitch black and I need NVG's, I go without.

Edited by AussieStig

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Nice job hacking btw I'm getting sick of people posting dumb vids n pictures, I'm sorry but ur decked out with gear and you have what 20 some odd zombie kills. Also if you weren't cheating most people would've taken the ural and called it a day since it has one known spawn point and is questionably the best land vehicle due to it's huge gas tanks and huge storage space. And to top it off the chance of having that gun with multiple ghillie suits etc to me is just bogus. As well as not knowing how to fly a heli which nullifys your earlier claims at operating heli's so nice trolling bro ruining the game for the rest of us.

You're an idiot.

I have 12 zombie kills and 18 murders. Every time I die, I have a teammate run to a tent, a vehicle, or secure my body.

It's not difficult to get regeared and you're an idiot if you believe otherwise.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO satchel charges right........those are totally prevalent in game btw totally would jsut waste those on blowing up some helicopter for fun.....you keep making it more and mroe obvious, jsut admit it man, you're amkin it too damn easy.

In my opinion that was the best use we could come up with for them. They've only been sitting in our Ural for a week or so.

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"Listen, i'm high and I don't know what's going on - okay?"

Pass my beans on to him for me? Thanks.


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Nice job hacking btw I'm getting sick of people posting dumb vids n pictures, I'm sorry but ur decked out with gear and you have what 20 some odd zombie kills. Also if you weren't cheating most people would've taken the ural and called it a day since it has one known spawn point and is questionably the best land vehicle due to it's huge gas tanks and huge storage space. And to top it off the chance of having that gun with multiple ghillie suits etc to me is just bogus. As well as not knowing how to fly a heli which nullifys your earlier claims at operating heli's so nice trolling bro ruining the game for the rest of us.

Fuck just earlier tonight I was decked out with end game gear and had 0 zombie kills. You clearly don't have the foresight or luck to store good items into a tent should you die. Apparently you also don't know "most people". If I found a Ural I would just keep going through their stuff. If they have the power or luck to get the Ural, who knows what else they might have had. As for the weapon and ghillie suits refer back to the first point. I don't see how not knowing how to fly a heli trolls or ruins the game for you.

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So, doesnt this belong in the gallery section? Any thoughts monster?

I'm sorry I was using the video as an example. The thread is about declaring war on other clans, and if anyone else has every done so?

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So, doesnt this belong in the gallery section? Any thoughts monster?

Depends if it's shameless advertisement or not.


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Why are you all assumign I have abd gear or anythign of the sort, I'm simply appalled at how badly I believe he is cheating straight out. I have a group of RL freinds whom I paly with and have success with I never said retrieving any of these items was impossible. Simply using my experience and what I saw in the video and I believe he is cheating, I myself only have 68 zombie kills and 1 murder atm and I'm carrying NV, with a silenced m4 and a motrocycle with a offorad pickup. Not great but everytime we get outgunned by people who seemingly seem to have any and everythign in the world. Not to say these items are not attainable, in fact the NW airfield alone can give you whatever you want and then some. Simply like I said I jsut don't believe this guy or his group are legit, jsut my opinion it is a forum FFS. Happy trolling

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