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Hacking complaints -

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In the last week I've seen endless threads of people complaining about hackers.

I've been playing almost since launch and only once have I ever encountered hacker. This game's in Alpha, and with all of its problems hacking really isn't one of them.

If you have suspicion of hacking WITH video/log evidence then post it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/

Spamming General discussion with your teary stories is pointless.

Grow up, guys. (and that 1 fat girl who plays)

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What server do you play on, seems every second one I join has a hacker, was good for about 3 days after that last ban wave, now they are back.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Don't pretend that the cancer isn't growing in this game. You are exceedingly lucky to encounter a hacker only once, or perhaps you have actually died countless times to hackers without realising that they are hackers. A hacker doesn't have to nuke you to kill you, often enough they will be able to track you with ESP and map markers and pull off that ambush you considered as bad luck.

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Hackers are on the server Elenkel, Its all of a sudden theirs more Low profile(Esp,Godmode ext) hackers on, And i agree, i havent seen a hacker in a while

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If you haven't witnessed a hacker, please don't assume that there are none or that there isn't a problem. Before I rented a server I didn't think there was a problem either (I only was victim of hacking a couple of times). Now, though, I have reports of hacking about average of 4-5 per day on our server alone. Video proof? There is tons of it out there. Do a youtube search! I'd be interested in what kind of servers those without hacking experience are on... Low population? Avoiding players/PVP?

Edited by walkerbait421

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op is a moron

by ops logic I have never seen the war in iraq personally so it must not have happened

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1 player out of 900,000 says he hasn't seen many hackers and therefore the mod is fine because it is in alpha


literally thousands of posts, screenshots, videos, of rampant cheating occurring across the world. 3 new pages of cheat reports every day.

OP is extremly lucky or is trolling ... but yep, look away, move along, no problem here.

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If you haven't witnessed a hacker, please don't assume that there are none or that there isn't a problem. Before I rented a server I didn't think there was a problem either (I only was victim of hacking a couple of times). Now, though, I have reports of hacking about average of 4-5 per day on our server alone. Video proof? There is tons of it out there. Do a youtube search! I'd be interested in what kind of servers those without hacking experience are on... Low population?

The majority of hacking is unreported, and undetected by fellow players. The average hacker is smart enough to avoid attention or pulling off anything too obvious. It's usually only the server nukers and jet fliers who are visible to the public.

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In the last week I've seen endless threads of people complaining about hackers.

I've been playing almost since launch and only once have I ever encountered hacker. This game's in Alpha, and with all of its problems hacking really isn't one of them.

If you have suspicion of hacking WITH video/log evidence then post it here: http://dayzmod.com/f...heat-reporting/

Spamming General discussion with your teary stories is pointless.

Grow up, guys. (and that 1 fat girl who plays)

People like you that deny the problem or say it isn't a huge concern are absolute idiots. If you truly haven't run into skiddies, then I know for damn sure you don't play on high pop servers. Why waste the effort of logging into your low pop server when they can thunderdome or instant kill a full server of 75 people? And guess what....many people enjoy playing on high pop servers and running into other people on the island...but now they can't because these servers are constantly griefed. Have fun playing on your crappy server with no one on it....the skiddies don't give a shit to mess with your crappy server.

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out of 250+ hours of dayz i encountered a hacker only once, teleported everyone at the same spot.

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out of 250+ hours of dayz i encountered a hacker only once, teleported everyone at the same spot.

And again...I know for damn sure you haven't played on a high pop server recently because they are constantly griefed now.

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You guys have amazing luck if that's the case or only play on low pop servers.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I've been playing almost since launch and only once have I ever encountered hacker. This game's in Alpha, and with all of its problems hacking really isn't one of them.

"if it doesn't affect me then it doesn't affect anyone else"

That's one of the dumbest attempts at thinking that I've ever witnessed, even for a child.

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Yeah you must be super lucky i mean the game is one of the best i have played in years but the hackers are out of control if you go to twitch.tv and watch any streamer the second there server is shown there is a hacker within minutes blowing shit up. The last battle eye ban seemed to get them all for a few days but they are back in force now.

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People like you that deny the problem or say it isn't a huge concern are absolute idiots. If you truly haven't run into skiddies, then I know for damn sure you don't play on high pop servers. Why waste the effort of logging into your low pop server when they can thunderdome or instant kill a full server of 75 people? And guess what....many people enjoy playing on high pop servers and running into other people on the island...but now they can't because these servers are constantly griefed. Have fun playing on your crappy server with no one on it....the skiddies don't give a shit to mess with your crappy server.

Have you ever stopped to think that alot of players who are sick of hacking know the hackers/script kiddies favour high populated servers?

It's no wonder alot of people are now choosing low populated servers in an attempt to avoid attention from said hackers.

Stop criticising people for how they want to play. Who cares if he wants to go on a 50/50 server...or a 2/50 server. What concern of yours is it? I'm sure you'd be offended if he started telling you how to play your game and where you should be going to play.

The lamers here are the hackers and script kiddies. Not honest people like us who do not cheat.

Just saying is all.

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Yeh, waste of time reporting them, problem is going to always exist, arma engine is particularly bad at preventing it though, I expect aim bots, ESP hacks etc in all games but spawning anything you want including things that aren't in the game, teleporting, invincibility and nuking entire towns is a bit much, I can't see things changing unless they switch engines enitrely.

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Yeah hacking is not going to get any better until we get a standalone. I don't mind these posts though because Arma should not sell another copy of this game based on YouTube videos from the first few weeks of DayZ.

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Have you ever stopped to think that alot of players who are sick of hacking know the hackers/script kiddies favour high populated servers?

It's no wonder alot of people are now choosing low populated servers in an attempt to avoid attention from said hackers.

Stop criticising people for how they want to play. Who cares if he wants to go on a 50/50 server...or a 2/50 server. What concern of yours is it? I'm sure you'd be offended if he started telling you how to play your game and where you should be going to play.

The lamers here are the hackers and script kiddies. Not honest people like us who do not cheat.

Just saying is all.

What are you even babbling about? I called him an idiot because he thinks hacking isn't an issue.......because he obviously plays on a low pop server. The people claiming hacking isn't an issue are simply too dumb to put 2 and 2 together and realize that the skiddies don't give a shit about their low pop servers. I play on low pop servers now too so I don't die every hour to script kiddy crap. And guess what....I bet they start entering these servers too since it is more likely that the people playing on these servers have characters that have been alive longer....and hence more tears when they thunderdome you or just instant kill you for fun.

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i think it might be safe to say that many players have died as a result of hacks/scripts without being aware that the player who killed them was cheating.

As someone said earlier, hacking it not limited to the mass killings/teleportations etc, it can be just a douchebag spawning in leet gear or using ESP to get the drop on unsuspecting players.

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Yes, that happens in virtually every popular FPS though, pretty sure most people are talking about the blatant teleport, invincible, spawn anything you want hacks that plague every second server.

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What are you even babbling about? I called him an idiot because he thinks hacking isn't an issue.......because he obviously plays on a low pop server. The people claiming hacking isn't an issue are simply too dumb to put 2 and 2 together and realize that the skiddies don't give a shit about their low pop servers. I play on low pop servers now too so I don't die every hour to script kiddy crap. And guess what....I bet they start entering these servers too since it is more likely that the people playing on these servers have characters that have been alive longer....and hence more tears when they thunderdome you or just instant kill you for fun.


I was referring to you griefing the guy simply cos he chooses to go on low pop servers.

I mentioned nothing about him not recognizing the hacking issue. What i DID mention is that griefing him for choosing low pop servers is a bit harsh.

Please see your own comments below, it may help your selective memory problem.

People like you that deny the problem or say it isn't a huge concern are absolute idiots. If you truly haven't run into skiddies, then I know for damn sure you don't play on high pop servers. Why waste the effort of logging into your low pop server when they can thunderdome or instant kill a full server of 75 people? And guess what....many people enjoy playing on high pop servers and running into other people on the island...but now they can't because these servers are constantly griefed. Have fun playing on your crappy server with no one on it....the skiddies don't give a shit to mess with your crappy server.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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I was referring to you griefing the guy simply cos he chooses to go on low pop servers.

I mentioned nothing about him not recognizing the hacking issue. What i DID mention is that griefing him for choosing low pop servers is a bit harsh.

Please see your own comments below, it may help your selective memory problem.

Get some reading comprehension...I call his low pop server crappy but I call him an idiot because of:

I've been playing almost since launch and only once have I ever encountered hacker. This game's in Alpha, and with all of its problems hacking really isn't one of them.

Again, because he is too dumb to realize that low pop servers aren't going to get griefed nearly as frequently as high pop servers.

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