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This thread is in immediate co-operation with this thread so keep in mind these are separate ideas.

So dying without help is totally annoying. This game is built on a simulator, but it should definitely keep game aspects to it to keep it interesting. Now, I understand that this idea is pretty out of the water but keep an open mind and read it through.

Basically if you have the pack equipped from the thread I linked above, you have the ability to equip a secondary 'weapon' of a defibrillator. If you take the backpack off, the defibrillator will un-equip and take up six slots like any other secondary. The defibrillator will allow you to revive a player 75 (just an idea) seconds after his technical death. It would take quite a few seconds (something like 15) to revive the player in which case the player would do a sort of 'mounting' animation which would leave the player open to any follow-up shots.

This would also increase the amount of teamplay needed to not only cover the medic, but to ensure the player that was just revived wasn't killed immediately after resurrection.

Maybe both the bag and the defib will be found in a bundle. Something like 'Medic bag and defibulator'. Maybe separate items, or you can find the bag without the defib. Perhaps the bag+defib would be more of a rare item than just the bag. Just some ideas for discussion.

So what do you guys think? :o

This idea was also conceived by the members of my group, I don't take credit for them in any way.

Edited by Tsyn
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Me and my friend were speaking of this the other day.

It would be kind of a cool idea.


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I think that dead=dead and that you should read up on how defibrillators actually work ;)

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I think that dead=dead and that you should read up on how defibrillators actually work ;)

I know how they work. If you would've read my post, you would understand my reasoning.

Instead of insulting someone's knowledge, perhaps you should fully understand the topic before replying.

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I understand your reasoning and your topic, you get annoyed when you die so you want a way to not be dead after you die.

I don't think that this game, being a simulator as you said, should implement something that isn't at all close to how the authentic one works

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There is no way to make that fit into the game. The most important part of the immersion is the aspect of permanent death and electricity can not restart a human heart when there is a bullethole in it (or in the head...)

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Defibs would act like Epi-Pen in a sense to revive incapacitated players.

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But they dont. If you have a passed out person and defib him, all you are going to get is a passed out person with a stopped heart.

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There is no way to make that fit into the game. The most important part of the immersion is the aspect of permanent death and electricity can not restart a human heart when there is a bullethole in it (or in the head...)

If we're going for true immersion then there needs to be a lot more cars, you need to find the keys to drive the cars, you should need to sleep, and shouldn't know how to fix most parts of a car/helichopper.

And there shouldn't be so many guns.

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I think its an awesome idea. I hate it when you are stuffing around with your mates and you slip off a rock and break your legs and die.

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I don't particularly like this... takes away the sheer terror of doing something that might get you killed and then lose all your gear. If my mates can defib me, I can change through a field, once someone opens up on me, counter-sniper fire from my squad takes out the enemy, then they just run to me and revive. Bit game breaking in favour of the biggest squads if you ask me...

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I seem to recall seeing this implemented in another game. What was it called? Cleft for Bed? ...Something like that.

Seriously. One of the founding principles of this game is permadeath, and I strongly doubt Rocket is going to mess with that.

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I understand your reasoning and your topic, you get annoyed when you die so you want a way to not be dead after you die.

I don't think that this game, being a simulator as you said, should implement something that isn't at all close to how the authentic one works

One thing I don't do is get irritated when I die. On a fresh respawn either I run to a tent and get regeared or I raise hell in town ;D

This was a suggestion to follow-up with another suggestion that I'd made. Pull out your watch and count out 75 seconds. You can't even run 100 meters in 75 seconds. This would mean that the person that is about to defib you would have to be less than 50 meters away and more than ready to take fire when showing up.

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It would be mostly useless, as for realism it wouldn't work on any gunshot wounds, and there isn't really another way of dying in this game that actually would be revivable from.

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Defibrillators are fun in games like Quake Wars and so, I know, I love the medic role whenever it's available. But they are not realistic. A defib won't close your wounds and restore your blood levels. Technically, the epi-pen in this game covers the defib function of other games.

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Sorry, don't like that idea.

When I'm shot at I usually don't die instantly.

My group got under fire near a few houses, my legs broke and I could crawl near (not behind) safe cover before i went unconcious.

A friend grabbed me the last meters til safety, bandaged my wounds and gave an epi-pen and morphine while the other two shot the sniper (a bad and stupid one obviously, attacking four survivors with part-military equip). Afterwards I got a blood transfusion and was in better health than before the assault.

So in my experience there is no need for an defibrilator.

Also it would draw off the thrill of death.

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I think that defib does have a place in this game. However, it should only apply to deaths under certain circumstances. Deaths such as being beaten to death by zombies, bleeding to death, or "dying from shock", which you could basically chalk up to anything blunt-force. Falling, car wrecks, etc.

If you're killed by a .50 caliber sniper rifle, obviously you shouldn't be able to come back to life with electricity, however, if you bleed to death or are killed with small arms fire, I think that 2 blood bags, 2 bandages and a defib unit should be able to restore you to a condition around 6000 blood. You should also be pretty useless for a while, though. Shake like a leaf and not have that pain curable for half an hour, and then at that point only have that pain curable by morphine, and then also be restricted to the speed of crouch walking and pass out if you go into shock.

I think that this game rewards team play, and this would be a significant benefit to having teammates who are well-equipped.

That being said, I'm not sure if I'd like a chance of failure attached to a defibrillator. On one hand, it would still up the risk of death, but on the other, it would make it seem pointless to carry, because you would probably only use it 1-2 times and having it fail on both occasions would be really lame and probably not worth the effort.

Just my two beans.

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I think that dead=dead and that you should read up on how defibrillators actually work ;)

Last time you broke yer leg did you inject morphine to fix it ;)

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I'm afraid to say defib is for cardiac arrest victims, not for gunshot trauma or zombie related wounds. Besides a defib doesn't mean you will survive cardiac arrest. Estimates vary from 30-75% survival rate from cardiac arrest, with a defibrillator. I guess the statistics depend on where you in the world are and how quickly it is delivered. There is only a 15% survival rate cardiac arrest treated with basic CPR.

I guess it depends what degree of realism you're going for. My personal opinion is it doesn't fit. If you're dead you're dead. Death needs to be something to be feared and avoided. But as it's been pointed out above, since when did morphine fix broken legs? :)

Edited by ruarz

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Not a bad idea, as long as it's not like Battlefield where someone is running around zapping people and they are miraculously up and running again. Then it would be silly. I think it could work if:

1) It could take multiple attempts to revive someone successfully with a chance of it failing altogether.

2) The defib could run out of charges at some point rendering it useless and forcing you to find another (they would have to be rare finds).

3) The player who is revived is placed in some sort of timeout period before he can move.

4) The player is only brought back to 4-5k blood so there is a chance of him passing out and he would still need further treatment in order to continue normal game-play.

5) There is a limit to how many times each player can be revived before being forced to respawn at death. Say 1-2 then if he dies beyond that limit, he must respawn at the coast....

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The only way I would want defibrillators is if people start randomly dropping dead from cardiac arrest if they don't get enough exercise, campers I'm looking at you.

Electric shocks are not a treatment for trauma.

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people are too fucking stupid to understand how a game works. is not "realism" that drives inovation and should not be the goal of any game. if you want realism, stop playing and go live outside! things should feel authentic. we are playing a fucking zombie game for god's sake.

i say +1 for op idea.

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There is any official info about game history and details of infection? Do this zombies are, returned dead like in classic version or infected angry people like in 28 days later? :P

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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Last time you broke yer leg did you inject morphine to fix it ;)

I agree man, should need a splint and morphine at least ;)

Edited by KnT47r

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