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How much ammo should I carry?

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I'm new, and just wondering. I currently have an AKM with 5 mags and a Glock 17 with 4, and that seems a bit much to me. Suggestions?

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Depends what backpack you have.

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1 bullet more, than you will use.

There is no limit, it depends on how good/patient you are at sneaking and what you current objective is. When things go wrong, you will use ammo faster than you might expect.

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I generally carry 3-4 primary, and 6 secondary. However; I'm currently carrying 15 primary after finding 2 different stanag ammo crates.

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it depends on the size of your bag and the rarity of your gun.

you will be able to find more ammo for weapons, ie enfield, AK, AKM, Makarov, M1911 etc so its not always necessary to carry too much of these, however if you have a rarer gun, it would be prudent to pick up every clip you come across as you neve know when you will find the next one.

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