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ACE-like inventory system

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Quick note: A thread like this already exists, but my suggestion is more extensive and better detailed.

Anyone who's played the ACE mod for ArmA will know what I'm talking about. There are several things that go into this and this feature would, in my opinon, greatly enhance both immersion and playability of DayZ.

1. Weight-based inventory and stamina system

In ACE, if you sprint with 50kg of gear, you will run out of breath and possibly pass out. This feature would force players to consider how they are going to move from place to place instead of just sprinting everywhere.

ArmA already simulates stamina in that being out of breath negatively affects your aim. This would expand upon that. Now, besides losing your accuracy (which is restored in under a minute anyway), you might face the risk of passing out due to exhaustion.

So, we could have all items take up just one inventory spot and assign each a "mass" value in its config. This way there is nothing to prevent you from carrying a lot of things, as long as they aren't too heavy.

2. Volume-based backpack space

In ACE, backpack space is not expressed by the number of empty slots you have, but by how much volume (in cc) your backpack can fit. You can store pretty much anything in backpacks (even more than one rifle) as long as it fits in terms of volume.

Items like bandages require very small amounts of space to carry and yet under the current system they take up as much backpack space as things that are much larger in volume (and mass) like canned food and water canteens.

Backpacks wouldn't be weight-restricted but the total weight of everything you have would still count against your stamina.

Right now you can run several miles without dropping dead while carrying a machine gun, its ammunition (this alone should be too heavy - there's a reason that the military uses assistant machinegunners), flares, canned food, water, a sidearm, first aid supplies, binoculars and NVGs. That's pretty ridiculous.

A system like this would force players to think ahead a little more. "Is it a good idea to pack this stuff? Will it slow me down? This is a good weapon but this other one is lighter, maybe it's better suited for me?" I remember playing an ACE scenario where I was running away from the enemy, taking fire, while contemplating whether I should throw away my rifle or my satchel charges to lighten my load. Something like this would, in my opinion, add a new degree of depth and difficulty into the mod.

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The journey from southwest to northeast of Chern would be the must frustrating few hours of my life if I was forced to walk it. Yet I still agree with this suggestion. I think its very likely we'll see a custom inventory by final release.

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Can we have some screenshots?

if you are that lazy.. okay. here


also such stuff as dagr, earplugs, gasmask are features of ACE2 mod

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I'd like an inventory system like this but I think the effects of weight should be less than real life. You have to account for it being a game and people needing to get where they need to go in a reasonable amount of time.

I don't think there should be any fainting etc. just slow the player down and make them get exhausted faster. Near max weight I think the player should still be able to move at about light jogging speed, though this means they probably can't outrun zombies. Remember you can still drop your pack fairly quickly via the inventory (maybe this could be a scroll wheel action in the future) and come back to it later so I imagine players with ALICE packs full of stuff would leave it in a bush or something while they explore.

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Please not the ACE passing out. Although Rocket might get a lot of tears out of it, I just hate the idea of passing out like five meters from a safe position... :)

Currently, gameplay-wise, passing out would seem strange when the zombies have infinite stamina themselves. If Rocket adds stamina to Zombies and makes them run normally, why not.

Being overweight slowing you down would be good, though.

Every other ACE feature re:inventory would be great. I really miss ACE features in this mod. Especially the more real weapons (weapon sights) and inventory system.

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Please not the ACE passing out. Although Rocket might get a lot of tears out of it' date=' I just hate the idea of passing out like five meters from a safe position... :)


Yeah I admit the passing out feature is overdone. Perhaps it could be nerfed for DayZ?

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Quite like this kind of inventory, but on the premise that the infected tire aswell. Or you would simply stand no chance against the athletes we fight today.

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The passing out thing from ACE is like the only I hate from that mod. I never understood why they wouldn't just put a cap on what you can carry, instead of having like 1kg over the hidden limit and passing out every 50m.

So much rage at that feature, in reality, if you had enough on your back that you would pass-out from running, you wouldn't even start running in the first place, when it comes down to it, you have to have some "gamey" features. To much realism isn't fun. So far all the realism stuff rocket has put in takes it just far enough, but not so far that it isn't fun to play.

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I love the ace features, and even added some of it on my suggestions here:


On my suggestion i add that if you need to run away from a zoombie ord with your backpack, you have the option to temporary drop it while running to increase your run speed and get away from Zeds. But i only agree with this hardcore Ace system, if other issues are fixed first, like the tents and backpacks being persistent, so you can store your itens. Also, zoombies must be fixed too and have less stamina and speed than you, then we can implement ACE in DayZ.

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BTW, better not give Rocket ideas - or he might just implement "passing out" feature into his own "Panic" system and get us all killed just for the tears ;-)

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you don't really pass out if you run way too much at ace. you fall once , then again and then lie down and breath heavily. and btw when you run alot you hear heartbeat and breathing hard. kinda awesome.

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One possible penalty, instead of passing out, might be to make you noisier if you are carrying a lot of heavy equipment.

Ain't many ninjas around with 50kg rucksacks.

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ACE implemented would be sick, I enjoy what they've done to make it as realistic as possible. And I believe it'll only add to the attractiveness of this game. But time will tell.

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Ooh yea very good idea, I like this very much and would certainly help realism. Wieght and size based carrying ystem rocks! Could other mods for arma be introduced with permission and proper credits?

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All the code would most likely have to be rewritten to work with DayZ so I think it'll just be easier for rocket to code his own system.

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i think the ace system would fit dayz especially for those who travel light, like starting survivors and those more experienced and more packed.

survivors might out run some Z's and then learn the hard way when they over pack :D

maybe more cue's for fainting system so you can decide to drop gear on the run like a cough or two

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One possible penalty' date=' instead of passing out, might be to make you noisier if you are carrying a lot of heavy equipment.

Ain't many ninjas around with 50kg rucksacks.


I really, really, really like this idea.

A scenario:

You and your boys are ready to mount a night attack on the airfield, which is held by bandits. You want to move quickly and quietly without attracting the enemy's (and the zombies') attention. You doff that bulky ALICE ruck full of beans at the tent and pop on your tiny, and heretofore useless, Czech Vest Pouch with a couple token medical supplies. With only a few precious inventory slots left over, you're stealthy as all-get-out and not likely to alert players or aggro zombies, but you have to make very careful decisions as to what types of items you take away from the area.

Carrying capacity versus stealth and speed - pack mule or a race horse.

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