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Good place for a stash `?

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Hey guys, i am searching for a good place to build up some tents for a stash . Any idea where it is a "good" place ?.

My actual stash is found sometimes, but there are so much stuff if they took something i don´t care. What sucks is that they are shooting at us while we are chiilling out ?

so show me good places with on the chenarus map ;).

If you know a good place then please show me where on the map, I only play in lu166 with my squad.

if you afraid of saying it in the topic just send me a pm.



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I wont show you on the map since I never had a base. I play solo and havent had the time nor items to stash anything. But if you ask me I WOULDNT stash anything at the edges off the map since thats a really popular place and alot of people raid those places. Stash it somewhere dead in the middle of the map or something.

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With choppers, there isn't really a safe place. Once they introduce some sort of camouflage you can throw over your tents and vehicles, it won't be so bad. And lets not even go into what scripters can do. Best bet is to just scatter stuff everywhere.

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hmmm yeah north of devils castle i think, i think the main problem is. Hmm okay i really wuld like to have a safe zone womething like that

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avoid placing tents in "high areas" the circles in the map these are high points people go alot to look around the area. Place them in a forest area with lots of bushes and small trees and place in between them (play around with the tent because you will get "must be in a flat area blah blah" oh yeah and not put it in a flat area lol. I had mine set up for over 3 weeks now and nobody has touched them.

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Find a loot map with deer stands.

Look for obvious travel routes, don't place your camp between two good loot places. Try to place if out of sight.

Don't get too attached to the gear in your tent, anything you put in your tent is up for grabs. No camp is 100% safe.

If you find a good location, others might think it's good too.

When you place your tent first time. Put one single worthless item inside it. After the next server restart, the item will probably have dissappeared. After that the tent should be safe to use, save it, everytime you place something new in it.

All camps get discovered at some point, but for the time being, it gives you a place, you can call home.

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My camp is 2 weeks old, and is not on the debug forest, let's just say it's near devils, but yeah I find devils to be the best place, close to north west airfield, and belota is an easy drive away

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yes the funny thing is,

my actual camp was spotted about 3 times, but they didnt do anyhting they only killed us.

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hey dark fire torch can you tell me exaclty where ? and dont worry i dont hopp 3000 servers to find your stuff -.-.

If not its okay i will check the area around devils castle maby i find a good place.

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yeah my main problem is i cant enjoy the game because i get to attached to my gear. i need to fix this

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there you go, OP. now head over there and make your private island campsite.

Last beta patch, or the one before, fixed (or broke, depending on how you look at it) dropping all your gear when you swim.

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okay thx just PM me, i am from germany 2:00 morining. I go to bed now ;)

good night

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I am just leaving chenarus -.- maybe i found a safe place in the middle of the ocean xD and BOOM hacker teleport me and morph me into a goat -.-

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I would not suggest making a camp at an island, they are a lot more popular since they have the highest helicopter spawn rates, and most gangs with boats have already settled there

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